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Strip Bait

Strip bait is a bait made from a piece of a smaller fish.

The belly from Skipjack Tuna, Kawa Kawa Tuna and Dorado
are the most commonly used but other fish can also be used.

These bellystrips are first cut in shape and size with a knife,
and then sewn onto a hook with a leader.


To avoid losing the fish when the sandpaper-like bill rubs
against the leader, there has to be a minimum 80 lbs of nylon line.

Attach Line to Reel | Blood Worm | Bounce Balling | Bridle Rigging
Chumming | Drop Back | Estimating Weight | FAD's

Hook Sharpening | Skip Bait Rigging | Squid Rigging | Strip Bait
Swim Bait Rigging | Switch and Bait | Tag Line | Tuna Fillet Rigging

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