listings display above all Standard listings in searches
throughout the website. |
listings receive direct links from Google, Yahoo,
AOL, & MSN search engines. |
listings receive more exposure and buyer/renter contacts than
Standard listings.
Package #5 - Single Featured Listing Monthly |
Monthly Package
- listing can be renewed monthly, if you choose to do so.
Featured Listing - displays above all Standard listings -
provides the most exposure.
One Single Listing - limited to a single listing - you may
purchase additional listings at anytime.
No Commission or Fees - you keep 100% of the money when you
rent or sell the timeshare.
Full-Page Listing with up to 10 photos - displayed using
slide-show technology.
Photos Inserted by Us - we locate and insert photos of your
vacation property for you.
77% Contact Success Rate - 77% of people who purchase
this plan receive contact via email.
US$19.00/month |
Select Package #5 |
Package #6 - Single Featured Listing Annually |
Annual Package - listing can be renewed annually, if you
choose to do so.
Featured Listing - displays above all Standard listings
- provides the most exposure.
One Single Listing - limited to a single listing - you may
purchase additional listings at anytime.
No Commission or Fees - you keep 100% of the money when you
rent or sell the timeshare.
Full-Page Listing with up to 10 photos - displayed using
slide-show technology.
Photos Inserted by Us - we locate and insert photos of your
vacation property for you.
99% Contact Success Rate - 99% of people who purchase
this plan receive contact via email.
100% Buyer/Renter Contact Guarantee - receive at least 5
email contacts or next year is free.
(64% savings compared to
package #5) |
Select Package #6 |
Package #7 - Single Featured Listing Lifetime |
Lifetime Package - listing never expires - only removed from
website when you tell us.
Featured Listing - displays above all Standard listings -
provides the most exposure.
One Single Listing - limited to a single listing - you may purchase
additional listings at anytime.
No Commission or Fees - you keep 100% of the money
when you rent or sell the timeshare.
Full-Page Listing w/ up to 10 photos - displayed using
slide-show technology.
Photos Inserted by Us
- we locate and insert photos of your
vacation property for you.
100% Contact Success Rate - 100% of people who purchase this plan
receive an email contact.
US$149.00/lifetime (never expires - removed only by you) |
Select Package #7 |
Package #8 - Unlimited Featured Listings Lifetime |
Lifetime Package
- listings never expire - only removed from website when you tell
Featured Listings
- displays above all Standard listings - provides the most exposure.
Unlimited # of Listings - place an unlimited number of
Featured listings that never expire.
No Commission or Fees - you keep 100% of the money when
you rent or sell the timeshare.
Full-Page Listing w/ up to 10 photos - displayed using
slide-show technology.
Photos Inserted by Us - we locate and insert photos of your
vacation property for you.
100% Contact Success Rate - 100% of people who purchase this
plan receive an email contact.
Receive credit from previous listings - apply funds from
past listings towards price of package.
(never expires - removed only by you) |
Select Package #8 |

listings display below all Featured listings in searches
throughout the website. |
listings receive less exposure and buyer/renter contacts than
Featured listings. |
Package #1 - Single Standard Listing Monthly |
Monthly Package - listing can be renewed monthly, if you
choose to do so.
Standard Listing - displays below all Featured listings
in searches throughout the website.
One Single Listing - limited to a single listing - you may
purchase additional listings at anytime.
No Commission or Fees - you keep 100% of the money when you rent or sell the
Full-Page Listing with up to 10 photos - displayed using
slide-show technology.
by Us - we locate and insert photos of your
vacation property for you.
67% Contact Success Rate - 67% of people who purchase this
plan receive contact via email.
US$9.00/month |
Select Package #1 |
Package #2 - Single Standard Listing Annually |
Annual Package - listing can be renewed annually, if you choose
to do so.
Standard Listing - displays below all Featured listings
in searches throughout the website.
One Single Listing - limited to a single listing - you may purchase
additional listings at anytime.
No Commission or Fees
- you keep 100% of the money when you rent or sell the timeshare.
Full-Page Listing w/ up to 10 photos - displayed using
slide-show technology.
Inserted by Us - we locate and insert photos of your
vacation property for you.
97% Contact Success Rate - 97% of people who purchase this plan
receive an email contact.
100% Buyer/Renter Contact Guarantee - receive at least
5 email contacts or next year is free.
(64% savings compared to
package #1) |
Select Package #2 |
Package #3 - Single
Standard Listing Lifetime |
Lifetime Package - listing never expires - only removed from
website when you tell us.
Standard Listing - displays below all Featured listings in
searches throughout the website.
One Single Listing - limited to a single listing - you may purchase
additional listings at anytime.
No Commission or Fees - you keep 100% of the money
when you rent or sell the timeshare.
Full-Page Listing w/ up to 10 photos - displayed using
slide-show technology.
by Us - we locate and insert photos of your
vacation property for you.
100% Contact Success Rate - 100% of people who purchase this plan
receive an email contact.
(never expires - removed only by you) |
Select Package #3 |
Package #4 - Unlimited Standard Listings Lifetime |
Lifetime Package
- listings never expire - only removed from website when you tell
Standard Listings - displays below all Featured
listings in searches throughout the website.
Unlimited # of Listings - place an unlimited number of
Standard listings that never expire.
No Commission or Fees - you keep 100% of the money when
you rent or sell the timeshare.
Full-Page Listing w/ up to 10 photos - displayed using
slide-show technology.
Photos Inserted by Us - we locate and insert photos of your
vacation property for you.
100% Contact Success Rate - 100% of people who purchase this
plan receive an email contact.
Receive credit from previous listings - apply funds from past
listings towards price of package.
(never expires - removed only by you) |
Select Package #4 |
who place 5 of more listings can receive a significant
reduction in listing prices. |
can choose from Package #1 or Package #2 below - both are Standard
Listings. |
do not offer a "Multiple Listing Discount" for our Featured Listings. |
Package #1 - Single Standard Listing Monthly |
Monthly Package - listing can be renewed monthly, if you
choose to do so.
Standard Listing - displays below all Featured listings
in searches throughout the website.
One Single Listing - limited to a single listing - you may
purchase additional listings at anytime.
No Commission or Fees - you keep 100% of the money when you rent or sell the
Full-Page Listing with up to 10 photos - displayed using
slide-show technology.
by Us - we locate and insert photos of your
vacation property for you.
67% Contact Success Rate - 67% of people who purchase this
plan receive contact via email.
per listing (45%
off the normal price) |
Select Package #1 |
Package #2 - Single Standard Listing Annually |
Annual Package - listing can be renewed annually, if you choose
to do so.
Standard Listing - displays below all Featured listings
in searches throughout the website.
One Single Listing - limited to a single listing - you may purchase
additional listings at anytime.
No Commission or Fees
- you keep 100% of the money when you rent or sell the timeshare.
Full-Page Listing w/ up to 10 photos - displayed using
slide-show technology.
Inserted by Us - we locate and insert photos of your
vacation property for you.
97% Contact Success Rate - 97% of people who purchase this plan
receive an email contact.
100% Buyer/Renter Contact Guarantee - receive at least
5 email contacts or next year is free.
per listing
(62% off the normal
price) |
Select Package #2 |