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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Pacific Region

Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Complex Tule Lake NWR Upper Klamath NWR Lower Klamath NWR Klamath Marsh NWR Clear Creek NWR Bear Valley NWR

Blue Goose Symbol

Click on a link to
explore your Refuges

Pintails take flight at Lower Klamath Refuge

The mission of the (National Wildlife Refuge) System is to administer a national network of land and waters for the conservation, management, and where appropriate, restoration of fish, wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans"

-National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997

                          Refuge Symbol

Address & E-mail:
Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges
4009 Hill Road
Tulelake, CA 96134
Phone: (530)-667-2231 Fax: (530)-667-3299

Mail Box Clip Art                    

Site maintained by US Fish and Wildlife Service,
Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges

E-mail questions/comments to

Site last updated: Friday August 27,2004