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Business Card Design Online

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Raised printing or thermography-
is an inexpensive alternative to embossing

Raised printing is a process that utilizes the offset printing/litho technique. Sheets of paper are fed through a printing press and ink is pressed on the paper surface by a rubber blanket cylinder which receives its image from another cylinder called a plate cylinder. After the card receives the ink from the blanket cylinder, it is delivered onto a conveyor system that receives powder which attracts to the wet ink. The last part is the heating process, the printed card travels down the conveyor system through a heat tunnel, the powder on the inks creates a bloated or raised print appearance when heat is applied. Raised printing is a relatively inexpensive process that can deliver some truly amazing graphic results.
How do I order my raised printing

How do I order my raised printing
Choose a Paper and Ink Combination:

  1. Choose a Paper Stock: Two view our standard paper stocks please click here. Special or custom paper stocks are available upon request.
  2. Standard Ink Colors Include: black, blue, process blue, red, gray, burgundy, Brown and green.
  3. One Color Cards: Any standard ink may be used on any paper Stock we offer for one color business cards.
  4. Standard two Color Cards: Select any two standard ink colors and any paper Stock*.
  5. Custom Multiple Color Cards: When you supply a digital file please ensure your colors are set up in spot color format. We must reproduce your file using a vector based digital file. If your file contains bitmaps we can often draw or render the image in a vector format. We charge a small fee for this but if you would like to avoid this fee please feel free to contact us or visit this page and we will help you prepare your file properly.


Ordering Information
Paper Finishes and examples
Mailing: Suite #44112 Wexford Square, Brampton, Ontario, Canada L6Z 2W1
Telephone (905) 452-3504 I Fax (905) 452-3840