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Raised printing letterhead and envelopes

Thermography full color layout examples

In addition to conveying your written message, your letterhead stationery also reflects your company image. To maintain your professional look, select a well-designed letterhead on high quality paper. Create a unified ensemble with matching envelopes. Our wide selection of fine papers, creative layouts and impeccable raised printing makes it easy. To order your letterhead and envelopes, follow these four simple steps:

Select a paper stock from those sampled on these pages. Special stocks are available upon request.
Standard Inks Include: black, blue, pro blue, red, gray, burgundy, brown and green. Also see foil colour.
One-Color Stationery: Any standard ink may be used on any paper stock we offer for one-color letterhead and envelopes.
Standard Two-Color Stationery: Select any two standard ink colors and any paper stock.*
Custom Two-Color Stationery: See Additional Charges for Letterhead and Envelopes in the Customer Service section for prices on non-standard two-color combinations.*
When ordering two-color stationery, please diagram and indicate color separation on the order form for each item.

Standard Layouts: You may also select a standard layout from the samples shown. Your mainline and body copy will be positioned according to the layout you choose. Layouts shown with horizontal rule lines will be printed with those lines on the business stationery. The layout will be followed exactly, unless changes are indicated on our web form. Body copy may be replaced with a logo from our stock art selection or with your custom art (see Explanation of Special Charges on page 1-4).

Custom Layouts: If you do not find a layout that suits your needs, simply provide a sketch or previously printed sample of your business stationery design and we will match it as CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE. When sending a previously printed sample, please include camera-ready artwork for any logos that are not included in our stock art section. DO NOT SEND A PHOTOCOPY, LASER PRINT, FAXED COPY OR THERMOGRAPHED COPY.
Envelope Layouts: You may also select a standard layout from the samples show. The layout will be followed exactly, unless changes are indicated on our webform in the Special Instructions box. Body copy) may be replaced with a logo from our stock art selection (pages or with your custom art (see Additional Charges for Letterhead Envelopes in the Customer Service Section).

Choose from over 100 popular type styles shown in Type styles and Stock Logos Section, beginning on page H-2.

Stock Artwork: You may select one of many logos in our Logo section (pages A-W). There is an additional charge per per letterhead and envelope (See Additional Charges on page You may enlarge stock logos up to 150% or reduce stock locos 50% of the original size. Please indicate the exact size you like on your order form. There is an additional charge design that is reduced or enlarged. (See Additional on page 1-5). Custom Artwork: You may provide a custom logo be used on a standard layout for an additional charge. If you supply complete artwork for your business stationery, including ‘typesetting, there will not be an additional charge sending custom artwork, you must provide b~black-and-white copy. DO NOT SEND A PHOTOCOP LASER PRINT, FAXED COPY ORTHERMOGRAPHED COPY.
See Artwork Guidelines on page B-6.

PLEASE NOTE: If your layout does not meet our mechanical specifications, our expert staff will revise it to give you the most attractive business stationery. For example, if your mainline is too long in the mainline type style you’ve selected, we will split the mainline or reduce the size of the type. These changes will be made free of charge. If you do not want us to alter your stationery design in ANY way, check the DO NOT REVISE box on your order form. If your layout does not meet our mechanical specifications, we will return the order to you to revise.

Ordering Information
Paper Finishes and examples

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