Halogen Marketing
Taking the guesswork out of business success.
What to say, and how and when to say it. Many organizations
lack the resources to develop in-house communications, yet the need to analyze,
strategize, and evolve a communications campaign remains critical.
Halogen Marketing offers clients the broadest range of marketing
communications services available in the National Capital Region - market research,
market segmentation, search engine optimization services, communication tools
and products that resolve issues and yield results.
Halogen's clients are engaged in some of the most complicated
industry sectors; they rely on our experience and guidance to help them make the
turn in the right direction.
Our web site is currently under re-design. We apologize for
any inconvenience. We will be launching our latest version in May 2005.
E-mail Contacts:
Paul Marconi, paul@halogenmarketinggroup.com
Tuan Nyugen, tuan@halogenmarketinggroup.com
Stephen Lau, stephen@halogenmarketinggroup.com