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The Right Real Estate Agent

People don't talk about it a lot. But finding the right real estate agent can be the difference between a happy, stress-free home buying or selling experience, and an unhappy, stressful experience.

First, you'll want an agent ready and able to make a full-time commitment to you. I can and will do that.

Second, you'll want an agent with the experience needed to know the local neighborhoods, schools, market conditions, ordinances, etc. With my years of experience in the local market I have the expertise and track record of success you need.

Third, you'll want an agent who embraces the convenience of technology without losing the personal touch. You'll love the resources available on my website and the e-mail alerts that I send, but these will never replace the time I spend with you, serving as your personal guide through this exciting process.

Let's get together and talk about your home buying and/or selling plans. Call me at the office (530-222-4444) or or send me an e-mail (, we'll set-up a time that is easy and convenient for you.

P.S. If you're not ready to meet in person, please tour through my website. I'm sure you'll find the resources here useful and helpful. Enjoy!

Today's Rates:

Mtg Loan    Rate  APR
30-yr Fixed5.29%5.41%
15-yr Fixed4.72%4.91%
1-yr Adj3.22%4.69%
* national averages

Mortgage Calculator:
Loan Amount: $
Down: %
Interest Rate: %
Term: yrs
Monthly payment: $

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Looking to Sell?

Are you looking to sell your house? Let us help you. Just fill out as much of the information below that you want and we'll get right back to you, with no obligation to you. We guarantee your privacy.
Your Information
Street Address:
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Some Details
When Are You Moving?:
Where Are You Moving?:
Preferred Selling Price?:
Number of Bedrooms?:
Number of Bathrooms?:
Size In Square Feet?:
Any Comments, Concerns, Or Questions:

Note: Fields with an * are required

Real Estate Center
2777 Bechelli Ln Redding, CA 96002-1924
Phone: (530) 222-4444 Cell: (530)209-1096 Fax: (530)222-4473 E-mail:

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