If you are seeking Permission to use any Yahoo! trademarks, logos, service marks, trade dress, slogans, screen shots, copyrighted designs, or other brand features (collectively "Brand Features"), then please review the Guidelines for use of Yahoo! Brand Features.
Once you have reviewed our Guidelines, please print the Request for Approval form, complete it, sign it, and fax it to the Permissions Agent at 408-349-5310.
Please note that any material that features trademarks, logos, or copyrighted material (including banners and buttons) from any third party may require that third party's and/or others' specific and additional permission. Yahoo! makes no representation or warranty as to your proposed use of any such material.
Your request will be processed once we receive your completed form. You will typically receive a response within ten business days. If your request is approved, that approval will be expressly subject to the above-referenced Guidelines as well as all additional terms set forth in Yahoo!'s Notification of Approval and License Agreement.
Approved Yahoo! buttons may be downloaded and used to link to Yahoo!, without specific permission. Downloads and terms of use can be found at http://docs.yahoo.com/docs/yahootogo/.
Yahoo! cannot grant permission for Yahoo! MAPS or anything that has 3rd party content. Please contact the appropriate parties for permission approval.
Please do not call or contact our Copyright Agent with any Request for Approval.