Europe and Eurasia
The USAID Europe and Eurasia strategy focuses
on three core areas: economic restructuring and growth, democracy
and governance, and the social dimensions of transition.
In addition, USAID develops
cross-sector approaches to address critical obstacles and
changing circumstances in the region. During 2003 – 2004,
these include: raising the profile of values inherent in
transition programs; systematically
addressing conflict and corruption in program analysis and
design; and further developing social sector initiatives
to broaden the benefits
of reform and thereby sustain public support for it. Read
E&E in Action
Kent R Hill, USAID's Assistant Administrator for Europe
and Eurasia, on his vision for the region
Nearly 13 years ago, in one of the most stunning developments of the
twentieth century, the communist world of Eastern Europe and the former
Soviet Union dissolved into 27 separate independent countries. The vast
majority of its citizenry expressed a desire to move toward democratic
governance and free market economies. But the transition, even with international
donor assistance, has proved to be anything but easy.
Three essential elements of the Bureau for Europe and Eurasia’s
assistance to the former communist world include helping to establish
full democracies rooted in the rule of law, nurturing vibrant market
economies, and supporting the emergence of a responsive social net to
meet the needs of the people, especially those disadvantaged during difficult
times of transition. Read More ...
Outstanding Citizen Achievement Award
U.S. District Judge Michael Mihm was honored Friday evening, August 6, 2004, by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) at an Outstanding Citizen Achievement Citation Ceremony in the Robert H. Michel Student Center at Bradley University. This event culminated a number of activities to honor the voluntary service Judge Mihm has given to support rule of law and judicial development over the past 10 years in Russia. Read More ...
2003 Media Sustainability Index
The Media Sustainability Index (MSI) is a joint project of USAID and the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX). Funded by USAID and developed by IREX, the MSI measures five key indicators of media systems in twenty different countries and provinces in the E&E region. USAID has funded the MSI since 2001, with media indicators generally paralleling other democracy indicators in the region, showing substantial progress in eastern Europe; some incremental progress in the Caucasus and Ukraine; and, for the most part, considerable backsliding in Russia, Belarus and Central Asia. Read More ...
2003 NGO Sustainability Index
The Office of Democracy, Governance and Social Transition in USAID's Bureau
for Europe and Eurasia is pleased to present the 2003 NGO Sustainability Index for Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia. This report is the seventh edition of this unique study of the strength and viability of the NGO sectors in each country in the region. The 2003 Index continues to measure seven dimensions deemed critical to NGO sustainability – legal environment, organizational capacity, financial viability, advocacy, service provision, infrastructure and public image. Read More ...
Video: USAID Mission to Armenia - Partners for the Future
It has already been ten years since the United States pledged to support the people of Armenia on their way to democracy, a market economy and regional peace. This video is dedicated to the various development programs implemented by the U.S. Diplomatic Mission and U.S. Governmental Agencies in Armenia. Watch the Video ...
Video: USAID Mission to Armenia - Ten Years of Progress
This film celebrates the 10-year anniversary of USAID/Armenia and marks its accomplishments with narratives from individuals who have experienced USAID's efforts first-hand. From the young athlete in Gyumri to the grandmother in Yerevan, they share their stories of adversity and triumph. Along with Keith Simmons and the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John Ordway, USAID employees recount the challenges and pride of their achievements. Watch the Video ..
ECOLINKS First Annual Environmental Remediation and Mine Waste Management International Conference
The USAID-funded EcoLinks Program scored an impressive success in its First Annual Environmental Remediation and Mine Waste Management International Conference in Bucharest, Romania. The objective of the event was two-fold: match U.S. companies with prospective partner firms in Eastern Europe and promote new scientific developments in environmental remediation techniques. These goals were met thanks to the enthusiastic sponsorship of the event provided by Romanian Department of Mining, Faculty of Land Remediation and Environmental Engineering, and the U.S. Commercial Service. Attendees were treated to the Faculty’s newly upgraded conference and library facilities. The event attracted more than 200 participants drawn from Eastern Europe and the U.S. Read More ...
Assistant Administrator Dr. Kent R. Hill Speaks at the City Club of Cleveland
Dr. Kent R. Hill, Assistant Administrator of the USAID Bureau for Europe and Eurasia and noted expert on human rights and international religious freedom issues, was the featured speaker at The City Club of Cleveland Friday Forum on January 23, 2004. Dr. Hill shared the Agency's origins as a context for understanding the accomplishments and enduring challenges of development in a region still emerging from its Communist past. Read More ...
Outstanding Citizen Achievement Award
Paul A. Unger, founder of Cleveland State University 's Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs Unger Croatia Center for Local Government, was presented with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Outstanding Citizen Achievement Award in a ceremony this evening at Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio. Read More ...
Lakeland to Celebrate Shipment of Humanitarian Assistance to Moldova
As the holiday season draws to a close, Lakeland residents prepare to celebrate the culmination of a charity project that has been underway for the past year. On Saturday, Counterpart International will assist city organizers in loading a shipping container of humanitarian assistance bound for Belts, Moldova, one of Lakeland's Sister Cities. The container of medical equipment, office supplies, and furniture, valued at over $43,000, will be shipped and distributed by Counterpart International to Moldova through funding provided by the United States Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Read More...
- Reach Every American Close to Home
The REACH program tells the American
public the story of USAID through field experiences of
its dedicated staff. Each staff person is invited to participate
by sharing their personal account of their work with USAID. Read
Mefford Appointed New E&E Deputy
Thomas Fleetwood “Woody” Mefford was appointed Deputy Assistant
Administrator for Europe and Eurasia on August 25, 2003. Mefford most recently
served as Senior Advisor in the Bureau of International Information Programs
at the Department of
State, where he was involved in producing and marketing a
broad range of public diplomacy communications tools. Read
and Sustainability in U.S.-Ukraine Partnerships
U.S.-Ukraine Foundation's Community Partnership Program
The E&E Deputy Assistant Administrator gave the keynote
luncheon address July 23 in St. Louis at the U.S.-Ukraine
Foundation's conference on Replicability and Sustainability
in U.S.-Ukraine Partnerships. The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation's
Community Partnership Program (CPP), funded by E&E since
1997, currently supports partnerships between 14 U.S. and
14 Ukrainian medium-sized cities and focuses on strengthening
local government and promoting citizens' participation at
the grassroots level. Read
Vurgun Community, Agjabedi, Azerbaijan:
Self-Reliance Built Through USAID Support
The past fifteen years have been a very challenging time
for the people of Azerbaijan. Located between Russia and
Iran in the heart of the Caucasus region, the country has
long been a crossroads of commerce and culture. Shortly after
gaining independence from the Soviet Union in October 1991,
Azerbaijan was soon drawn into a devastating three-year territorial
conflict with neighboring Armenia over Nagorno Garabagh,
a mountainous region in the west of the country. When hostilities
ceased in early 1994, Armenian forces occupied Nagorno-Karabagh
and a wide swath of surrounding area, accounting for nearly
20 percent of Azerbaijan’s territory. Read
More ...
New Youth Web Initiative
We would like to share experiences from our youth-oriented programs
to build awareness of the challenges facing our region’s
young people and their efforts to build a better future. This
new youth web initiative is a resource to educate students
and teachers about our efforts and a tool to build dialogue
on the issues surrounding young people in the region. Read
More ...
Microfinance Brings Hope to Ethnically-Diverse Regions
in Georgia
Brock Bierman, Chief of Staff for USAID’s Europe and Eurasia Bureau,
and Jim Watson, Caucasus Team Leader within USAID’s Europe and
Eurasia Bureau, joined residents of Akhaltsikhe, in the Republic
of Georgia on May 20 in marking a day of new opportunity.
On this day, a leading
indigenous microfinance institution, the Constanta Foundation,
opened the doors of its new branch office, offering shoemakers,
hairdressers, bakers, traders, and other managers of local
small businesses their first
real chance to take out loans to improve their businesses
and their livelihoods. Read More ...
USAID Announces New Roma Initiative in
Central and Eastern Europe
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced
a four-year, $2.7 million cooperative agreement with the international
organization Partners for Democratic Change to improve the conditions
of Roma, an indigenous displaced people, in the Czech Republic, Hungary
and Slovakia. This program is intended to increase Roma participation
in economic, political and social activities. Read More ...
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