Oct. 8 |
Presidential Debate, St. Louis |
Oct. 13 |
Presidential Debate, Tempe, AZ |
Oct. 8 |
Presidential Debate, St. Louis |
Oct. 8-9 |
(ASEM) Summit, Hanoi |
Oct. 8-17 |
Daniel Pearl
Music Day
Oct. 13 |
Presidential Debate, Tempe, AZ |
Oct. 13-14 |
Informal meeting of NATO
Defense Ministers, Brussels |
Oct. 13-15 |
ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)
Seminar on Cyber-Terrorism, Seoul |
Sept. 21-Dec. |
UN General Assembly (UNA), New York |
Sept. 28-Oct. 14 |
Executive Board Meeting, Paris |
Oct. 2-14 |
13th Conference of the Parties to the Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES COP 13), Bangkok |
Oct. 5-14 |
Telecommunications Standardization Assembly (WTSA), Florianopolis, Brazil |
October |
Oct. 16-Nov 15 |
Ramadan |
Oct. 16 |
World Food Day |
Oct. 18 |
Second World Water Monitoring Day |
Oct. 18-19 |
International Parliamentarians' Conference
on the Implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)
Program of Action, Strasbourg |
Oct. 20-21 |
World Trade Organization General Council Meeting, Geneva |
Oct. 24 |
United Nations Day |
November |
Nov. 1-6 |
IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal
Nov. 9 |
U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission Meeting, Mexico City |
Nov. 9-10 |
25th Meeting of the
Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, Washington |
Nov. 17-18 |
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Joint Ministerial, Santiago |
Nov. 17-19 |
Board Meeting of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria, Arusha |
Nov. 17-20 |
Sixth Defense Ministerial of the Americas, Quito |
Nov. 17-21 |
Education Week
Nov. 17-25 |
Conservation Congress, Bangkok |
Nov. 18-19 |
XIV Ibero-American Summit Education for Progress, San Jose, Costa Rica |
Nov. 20-21 |
Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) Economic Summit, Santiago |
Nov. 24 |
Council Ministerial, Reykjavik |
Nov. 25 |
10th Meeting of the States Parties to the convention Against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Geneva |
Nov. 29-Dec. 3 |
Summit on a Mine-Free World, Nairobi |
December |
Dec. TBD |
Summit of Heads of State of South America, Bolivia |
Dec. 1 |
World AIDS Day |
Dec. 1-3 |
Eurasia Counterterrorism Conference
International Cooperation to Combat Bioterrorism, Zurich |
Dec. 3 |
International Day of Disabled Persons |
Dec. 5-7 |
World Economic
Forum, India Economic Summit |
Dec. 6-7 |
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
(OSCE) Ministerial, Sofia |
Dec. 6-10 |
Weapons Convention Annual Meeting, Geneva
Dec. 6-17 |
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change,
10th Conference of the Parties, Buenos Aires |
Dec. 7 |
Andean Special Summit, Cuzco, Peru |
Dec. 9-10 |
Foreign Ministers Meeting, Brussels |
Dec. 10 |
Human Rights Day |
January 2005 |
Jan. 10-14 |
International Meeting for the 10-Year
Review of the Barbados Program of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island
Developing States, Port Louis
Jan. 18-22 |
World Conference on Disaster Reduction, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan |
Jan. 26-30 |
World Economic Forum
Annual Meeting, Davos |
February 2005 |
March 2005 |
March 8 |
UN Day for Women's Rights and International Peace |
March 16 |
OPEC Ordinary Meeting of the Conference, Iran |
March 20 |
World Tuberculosis Day |
March 25-Sept. 25 |
2005 World Exposition, Aichi, Japan
April 2005 |
April 15-17 |
Global Youth Service Day |
April 22 |
Earth Day |
May 2005 |
May 3 |
World Press Freedom Day |
May 4-6 |
Third Ministerial Conference of the Community of Democracies, Santiago |
May 29-June 3 |
57th Annual Conference, Seattle |
June 2005 |
June 5 |
World Environment Day |
June 5-7 |
Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly,
Fort Lauderdale |
June 7-9 |
Fourth Global
Forum on Fighting Corruption, Brasilia |
June 20 |
World Refugee Day |
June 26 |
International Day against Drug Abuse
and Illicit Trafficking |
June 26 |
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture |
July 2005 |
July 11 |
World Population Day |
July 27-30 |
Cites Annual Conference Connecting Global Villages, Spokane |
August 2005 |
September 2005 |
October 2005 |
November 2005 |
Nov. 16-18 |
The World
Summit on the Information Society, Tunis |
December 2005 |