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Tahiti has always had a mysterious allure before and ever since the famous French impressionist painter Paul Gauguin painted the Tahitian maidens. Officially known as French Polynesia, the beauty that attracted Gauguin is still evident today, as can be seen by the following images of beautiful Tahiti.

Tahiti_scene.jpg (32329 bytes)

topless girl.jpg (19046 bytes)

fr_poly30.jpg (37188 bytes)

tahiti gov.gif (95354 bytes)

dancers.jpg (34540 bytes)

boy.jpg (13679 bytes)     kids.jpg (23657 bytes)

fr_poly24.jpg (30791 bytes)

fr_poly25.jpg (30023 bytes)

fr_poly26.jpg (24718 bytes)

fr_poly27.jpg (23205 bytes)

fr_poly31.jpg (23902 bytes)

girl.jpg (19852 bytes)

tahiti girls.jpg (25899 bytes)

tahiti isle.jpg (15803 bytes)

tahiti moorea.jpg (27446 bytes)

tahiti.jpg (16952 bytes)

Bora_Bora.jpg (19084 bytes)

Bora_Bora_fishing.jpg (16173 bytes)

Dancer.jpg (13248 bytes)

dancing_girl.jpg (27242 bytes)


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                     click here Oceania-The Last Voyage of Captain James Cook     
By Jane Resture
(E-mail: -- Rev. 30th December 2002)