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Charlotte has a Balanced Economy and Broad Opportunity
Historically, Charlotte has been perceived as a textile center and more recently a banking center. While Charlotte is justifiably proud of the industries with which it has been linked over the years, narrow characterizations sell this city's economy short. Charlotte enjoys a vibrant, balanced economy that encompasses many sectors, as well as companies that range in size from multinational to microbusiness. Read more
Chamber Card Gives You Fast Facts
Looking to keep relevant Charlote facts at your fingertips? The Chamber has just updated its popular fact card, which includes population, employment, air travel and construction statics, along with a list of the accolades Charlotte has received recently...all in a handy pocket-sized card.
The cards are free of charge. Stop by the Chamber to get one or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Research Division, Charlotte Chamber, 330 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, NC 28202.