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Late Seating Policy
Lincoln Center Park & Lock Garage serves all Lincoln Center concert halls and theaters, giving you secured, indoor, "front row" parking for performances. Print and complete a reservations order form* to reserve your space for the 2004-2005 season.

Reserved Parking
Reserve today* to enjoy a guaranteed space, plus these outstanding service features:
  • A special entrance on Amsterdam Avenue north of 62nd Street, which you can use up to three hours before curtain time.
  • An exclusive Reserved Parking Area, managed by a parking "concierge" who is there to greet and assist you.
  • All spaces are park and lock. No one else drives your car and there is never any waiting for an attendant.
  • Direct access to Avery Fisher Hall. You never have to negotiate city streets or chance the weather.
In addition, you benefit because all net proceeds from the Lincoln Center Park & Lock Garage are used to fund the security, beautification, and cleaning of the public areas at Lincoln Center. Spaces are limited, so please
reserve today.*

Public Entrances

  • Westbound: via 62nd Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues beyond taxi ramp (Lincoln Center South Drive)
  • Eastbound: via 65th Street between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues, second right turn (Lincoln Center North Drive)
  • Northbound: via Amsterdam Avenue, just beyond West 62nd Street

Near performance time, the garage is likely to be full. Please arrive at least one-half hour before the start of performance.

For prices and more information on this 24-hour secured indoor parking, please call (212) 874-9021 or (800) 535-PARK, 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday.

* Viewable in Adobe Acrobat®, which can be freely downloaded.

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