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The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board

Photo: Left to right CEO and Assistant CEO ShRFB Mr Eamon Cusack and Mr Niall Collins

Board Members in 2003

Name Brief Description of interests Class
Horgan, Jim

Elected Salmon Rod Angler representive to the Board in 2000. Secretary of the North Kerry Anglers for 15 years. Executive member Federation of Irish Salmon & Seatrout Anglers. Co Partner: Horgan Properties – Estate Agents – Listowel – Co. Kerry.

Salmon Rod Licence Holder
McCallion, Andy

Mr. McCallion was elected to the Board in 2000.  Andy is a founder member of the Plassey Fishery Forum. Was an office holder with the Federation of Irish Salmon & Seatrout Anglers (FISSTA), is a former Vice-President of the public service trade union, IMPACT. Has published a number of angling guides to the Shannon Region.

Salmon Rod Licence Holder
Peril, Patrick

Mr  Peril was first  elected to the Board in 1992 and is a Commercial Salmon Fisherman in the Upper Shannon Estuary.  He is also an active Eel Fisherman. Mr Peril was also a founding member of the Irish Salmon Netsmens Association  and is their Chairman and also a member of the National Salmon Commission.

Drift Net Licence Holder
Benn, Matthew

Mr. Benn was elected to the Board in 2000 and is a Commercial Salmon Fisherman on the Shannon Estuary. A member of the Shannon and Tributaries Traditional Nets Fishermen’s Association, Chairman of Curraghour Boat Club, former member of Earthwatch, interested in environmental issues on the Shannon and conservation of salmon stocks

Drift Net Licence Holder
McKenna, Gabriel

Mr. McKenna was elected to the Board as a in 1980 as a representative for the Draft Net Licence Holders and  has been a member of the Board of Conservators  for many years. He is a Commercial Salmon Draft Net Fisherman on the River Feale.

Draft Net Licence Holder
Slattery, John

Mr Slattery was elected to the Board as a in 1980 as a representative for the Draft Net Licence Holders and  has been a member of the Board of  Conservators  for many years .He is a Commercial Draft Net Fisherman on the River Feale and a farmer. 

Draft Net Licence Holder
Flanagan, Michael

Mr Flanagan was elected to the Board in 2000 and is a Commercial Eel Fisherman in Clare.  He is a founding member of the West Coast Glass Eel Fisherman’s Association  and Shannon Eel Fishermen’s Association and is active in the promotion of Eel conservation and furthering the development eel fishing in Shannon Region.

Eel Fishing Licence Holder
Costello, Edmond P

Mr Costello was first elected to the Board of Conservators  in 1960’s and over 40 years represented rated occupiers on the Board.  Mr Costello was elected to the Shannon Board in 1980 is a Life Long Salmon Angler and has been involved in a number of angling clubs including the Maigue Salmon Anglers and Tralee and District Anglers He is also a farmer in Limerick County.

Rated Occupier of a Fishery
McEnroe, Martin

Mr. McEnroe has been member of the Board since 1995 and was elected to represent Trout Anglers.  Occupation : Retired Postman Local Interests Chairman of the Lough Ree Trout Hatchery Vice Chairman of Save our Lough Ree Association  Member of Athlone Anglers Association Member of Coosan Anglers Association National Interests Chairman of the Upper Shannon Co-Op Society, PRO Trout Anglers Federation of Ireland , TAFI, member of National Salmon Commission, executive member of Salmon and Sea Trout Recreational Anglers, member of National Eel Review Group and member of Specimen Fish Committee

Registered Trout Angler
Callaghan, Michael

Mr Callaghan was elected to the Board as a Trout Angler in 1992, and was elected Chairman in 2000.  His is presently Chairman of the National Anglers Representatives Association and Secretary of the Irish Trout Fly Fishing Associaiton, a committee member of the Upper Shannon Fisheries Development Society and was secretary of the Lough Sheelin Trout Protection Association for many years.  Michael is a retired secondary school teacher who was principal of Ballyjamesduff School for 12 years.

Chairman & Registered Trout Angler
Young, Sean

Mr. Young was elected to the Board in 1980 and has represented Trout Coarse Anglers on the Board over the years.  He is a member of the Lough Sheelin Trout Protection Association and has held a number of Officer positions and is currently their president.  Sean is also a member of Cavan Anglers Club and past Chairman and Secretary of same.  He is a member of the Irish Trout & Fly Fishing Association and past president.  Past Chairman of the Trout Anglers Federation of Ireland, past Chairman of the National Anglers Representatives Association and Council member of the Inland Fisheries Trust and a life long association with angling both locally and nationally and is a businessman from Cavan.

Registered Coarse Angler
O’Donoghue, Joe

Mr O'Donoghue was elected to the board in 2000, having served on the previous Board as a Ministerial nominee.  He was chairman of the Lough Derg Anglers Association (nine clubs) for many years and stepped down from that position in 2000 and is currently P.R.O.  His late father was a founder member of the Ormond Anglers Association some 50 yrs. ago and Joe is presently Hon. Sec. He was a founder member of the Save Our Lough Derg (SOLD) group in 1994 and is currently Chairman. Their brief is to combat water pollution and increase environmental awareness and they have produced a series of leaflets to that end. Through their annual "Waterwise" programme, the senior class in each of the primary schools in the area are brought on field trips to the river and lake, and with the help of staff from the ShRFB and the Co.Co. are shown and taught the values and importance of the aquatic environment.  They also assisted in setting up a similar group (SOLR) on Lough Ree.  Joe is a retired Eircom supervisor having spent 37 years with the company.

Registered Coarse Angler
Robinson, Jim

Mr Robinson  was elected to the Board in 1992. Jim is involved in the angling tourist sector. Founder member of Limerick Sea Anglers Club and founding member of the European Pike Angling Challenge.

Registered Sea Angler
Isdell, Patrick J.

Mr Isdell was elected to the Board in 1992 to represent Life Members of the former Inland Fisheries Trust.  His is a member of the National Executive of the National Anglers. Recreational Association.  A Member of the Lough Owel, Ennell, Derravaragh and Lough Lane Angling Association.  Professional qualification includes M.Agr. SC engaged in general agricultural consultancy work and registered as a rural environmental scheme (REPS) planner with the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.

Former life member of the  I.F.T. & registered as a Trout  / Coarse Angler


McDermott, Seamus

Mr Mc Dermott was nominated to the Board in 2000 representing the Staff. Seamus has had a long career in inland fisheries and been involved many major projects in the Shannon Catchment. 

Staff Nominee


Ministerial Nominations in 2003

Name Category Brief Description Nominated by

Cllr. Bohan, Mary

Regional or Local Development

Ms Bohan was nominated to the Board in 1995.  Chairperson of Leitrim Co. Council. Board member of Western development Commission. Director of Drumkerrin Development Company. Executive member Irish Vocational Education Association. Involved in rural and community Development in Leitrim.

Western Development Commission
Quigley, Declan Aquaculture

Mr Quigley was nominated to the Board in 1992. He has an M.Sc. in Zoology, specialising in salmonid smolt physiology and has published > 100 scientific papers on fisheries related subjects. Over the last 20 years, he has held several senior management positions within the aquaculture industry and is currently Managing Director of Carrigadrohid Smolts Ltd. During the early 1980’s, he was a Research Officer with the Salmon Research Agency and a lecturer on environmental aspects of aquaculture in Trinity College. He is a member of several international fisheries organisations and has represented the aquaculture industry on several national and international working groups

Candler-Kennedy, Mary Agriculture

Ms Conry-Kennedy was nominated to the Board in 2000. Mary is a former Chairperson of Roscommon IFA and served on the Industrial Committee of IFA.

Ward Heslin, Peg Environment

Ms Ward was nominated to the Board in 2000. With interests in Water Quality Peg was an analytical Chemist with the EPA and later Chemist on the Lough Derg/Ree Catchment Management Project.


Murray, Breege

Regional Tourism

Ms Murray was nominated to the Board in 2000. Involved in the Tourist industry for over 30 years at local county and regional level. Self employed involved in running family business Bar with accommodation catering for many anglers annually.

Midlands East Regional Tourism Authority
Mackey, Paddy Heritage

Mr Mackey was nominated to the Board in 2000.  Paddy is a semi – retired businessman  with wide environmental interests. Member and officer holder of the Nenagh Boat Club, An Taisce and SOLD, Riverlinks and Waterwise co coordinator, Co founder of Lakewatch, Direct of Voice, Member of the Heritage Council Working Group on water quality, Board member of Seas at Risk and European Environmental Bureau

An Taisce
Cllr Lynn, Hugh Minister

Cllr Hugh  Lynn was nominated to the Board in 2000 and is Vice Chairperson of Roscommon County Council



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The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
Bord Iascaigh Réigiúnach na Sionainne
Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, Rep of Ireland
Tel: 061 300238 Fax: 061 300308