The Newsletter of the Central &
Regional Fisheries Boards
The very popular FIN Newsletter, first launched in 2000 is
produced by the Central and Regional Fisheries Boards, Editor Mr Eamon Cusack
CEO ShRFB. It covers a wide range of topics of
Fisheries and Environmental interest at national and regional level, and
publishes each of the Boards
special projects and makes for other interesting reading.
A newsletter hardcopy is freely available on request at the
Shannon Regional Fisheries Board Angling Section Email: or please feel free to download
from this site in PDF format - noting that file size is large and may
take some time to download on slow dial up connections, please be
patient, we hope it will be worth the wait!
FIN Issue
Main News Headlines
Report in PDF File format
No 6 - Summer 2004
New Course will set standards for Inland
Fisheries Management
Value of Wild Salmon in Ireland
Developing Angling Access
Angling Access for All - National and Regional Angler
Wheelchair Facilities
Update on Plan to Restore Avoca River
Review of the Management of Pike & Pike
Angling in Ireland