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HighlightsThursday, October 14, 2004 

Department Spokesman Boucher (Oct.14): "We condemn these terrorist attacks. There is an effort that we are making to try to help the Iraqi people rebuild their's another example of where there are terrorists who want to attack the Iraqis, who want to attack us and want to attack anybody who is trying to establish opportunity and freedom for the Iraqi people."

Man sorts boxes of ballots in Kabul, Afghanistan, Oct. 12, 2004. ©AP/Wide World Photo.Elections in Afghanistan
Secretary Powell (Oct. 12): "...the people of Afghanistan showed us over the weekend that democracy applies anywhere in the world where people are given the opportunity to practice it." [full text]

Department Spokesman Boucher (Oct. 10): "Today history was made in Afghanistan.  We congratulate the Afghan people on exercising their political right to choose their country's next leader.  They have much to be proud of in bringing their country to this point, just three years after the end of a quarter century of war and repression." [full text]

In Other News
The 2004 presidential election offers Ukraine the opportunity to accelerate its development as a secure, independent, democratic, and prosperous country.... We urge the Ukrainian authorities to end immediately the ongoing violations of democratic norms, to allow Ukrainians to choose freely, and to adhere scrupulously to internationally accepted standards for tabulating and registering results on election day.

The U. S. is committed to helping the people of the Caribbean recover and rebuild from the devastating series of hurricanes that have hit the region.  To date we have identified $13.3 million dollars to support vital humanitarian and reconstruction needs. The President has requested additional money from Congress.

The U.S. is launching the second phase of a major initiative to protect U.S. intellectual property rights overseas. Each year, businesses in the United States lose billions of dollars to criminals engaging in intellectual property theft abroad.

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