The DDTC Response Team is prepared to respond to the full range of defense trade inquiries. When used in conjunction with the D-Trade hotline and the Case Status line, the Response Team can significantly facilitate your defense trade solutions while affording licensing and other officers more time for casework. By handling telephone calls from industry and the public, it supports the work of licensing and compliance officers by allowing them to focus on their core activities. Reach the Response Team by telephone at 202-663-1282, or by email at Although telephone numbers for key personnel are provided elsewhere on this web site, please call the Response Team first when you have a question. The Response Team fields basic process and status questions, and assists exporters in identifying what they need to do to get answers to more complex questions involving licensing and registration issues. Its service is not a substitute or replacement for the advisory opinion, general correspondence, and commodity jurisdiction processes, and exporters should still use these mechanisms to obtain authoritative guidance from the Department on their export issues. The Case Status line (202-663-2700) continues to operate on Tuesdays and Thursdays during regular office hours. Use the D-Trade hot line (202-663-2838) for answers to questions about the mechanics of the new electronic licensing system and to trouble shoot any technical difficulties you may have with electronic filing. With the Response Team in place and the D-Trade electronic licensing system on line, we are confident that we will be able to provide improved service to exporters through accelerated license processing. As the Response Team continues its work, we welcome your feedback on its effectiveness and efficiency.