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 Web Site Directory - Suggest Site

Suggest Your Site to Hot vs. Not Web Directory.

Hot Vs. Not is an open directory of websites categorized by subject.

Web sites submitted are going to be instantly added to our directory as well as search engine results page. New submissions are placed on the bottom of selected category and would further be moved up based on their popularity ranking.

Please enter your full URL, including the http:// and www prefixes. For example: Your page will be instantly crawled for title, description, and keywords to be properly indexed.

Please note: Only top-level page is necessary; you do not need to submit each individual page. Dead websites will be automatically removed from our listings within 24 hours. You will be automatically notified if your listing has been removed and/or moved to a different category.

PHP/ASP and Javascript Redirect Pages may not read properly.

When you click Add URL button below, it might take a minute. If it does not respond for a long period of time, please close your browser (end session) and open it again.


Though rare, sometimes Automatic Retrieval System fails to work with certain websites. If you tried Automatic Submission multiple times and you're still not getting the result that you expect, you are welcome to try our manual submission system. Automatic Submissions are instantaneous, while all manual submissions will be personally reviewed for content quality.

Note: All manual submissions take up to 24 hours to process as our team will have to verify and approve them manually.

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