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Fortune Telling


Known as Tasseography, Tasseomany or Kafemandeia (in greek) is the art of tea leaf or coffee cup reading.
Tea leaf reading was started in India.This was followed by the Arabs who did coffee ground reading.Dating back as far as the 18th century.
It is said that the images left in the cup reveal something we are already aware of whilst some images found fortell events beyond our knowledge or expectations.
Although this type of fortune telling is normally passed from generation to generation, reading ones own fortune is possible.
Greek, Turkish or African coffee are the ideal coffees used for this.
The coffee is made in the usual manner and drunk in plain cups.It is then consumed at a leisurely pace while focusing on a specific question.The cup is then turned upside down onto a napkin covered saucer. Turn the cup three times clock-wise with the handel facing you. Leave for a few minutes before turning the cup upright. Now your reading may begin.
Please note not all the images may be clear and you must decide what it is that you see.You can ask a friend for a second opinion.
The following is a list of some of the images that may be seen and what is percieved to be the meanings.
Apple- Fertility and creativity.
Arch- Money in a business matter.
Bridge- A major decision needs to be made.
A loaf of bread-Nurture your dreams, hopes and desires.
Camera- someone is attracted to you.
Coins- theres money on the way.
Diamond- symbol of wealth or a marrige proposal.
Flowers- happiness.
Genies lamp- your wish will be granted.
Harp- romance.
Heart- a love affair.
Knots- problems or worries.
Road- creative opportunity.
Ship- a business opportunity.
Snake- a false hood.
Tree- (depending on the density of the root system) family relationships.The heavier the system the better the relationship.
Various books on this art of fotune telling are available at large book stores.

Before and after. While the after shot looks rather unsavory, it tastes pretty good.

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