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Password Problems


"I enter all my login information correctly, and I can hear my modem dial and connect. I am still prompted to enter my password. I believe that I am entering it correctly, but I am still not able to get onto to Internet."

If any of the information is entered incorrectly, the user logon window will come up when you are trying to logon:

Please make sure that in the field reading "User name" your username is followed by a ".ppp". Also ensure that your password is being spelled correctly, and is 6-8 characters in length, with at least 1 of the characters being a numeral. If all this information has been entered correctly, when you click on OK, you should be able to access the Netscape web browser and the World Wide Web. If you have entered this information correctly and still are not able to logon, contact Talaya Tech Support.

"I can login to the Internet and view the World Wide Web, but I cannot access and view my e-mail. What are the settings for Talaya?"

If you are having problems accessing your messages using the e-mail browser in the Netscape software, you will need to change your mail and newsgroup settings. You can do this by opening Netscape and selecting Options at the top of the screen. This will open up a drop-down menu, and among the choices will be Mail and News Preferences.


After selecting the Mail and News Preferences menu, a window will open with 5 tabs across the top. Select the Identity tab and enter the following information:

Please select the tab titled "Identity" and enter the following information:

  1. Your Name: enter your real name as you would like to have it on your E-Mail
  2. Your E-Mail: this is your E-Mail address with Talaya. Don't forget to include the '@' sign!
  3. Reply-to Address: this is the same as your E-Mail address
  4. Your Organization: the company, household, or group you would like to have inserted on your E-Mail messages. You may also opt to leave this space blank if you would not like any organization printed on your messages.
  5. Signature File (optional): if you would like a personal signature to be added to the bottom of your E-Mail messages automatically, you will need to compose a signature file, save it to your hard drive, and insert the file in the Signature File box.

Now, click on the "Servers" tab and make sure the following information is correct:

Enter the following information in the fields:

  1. Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server:
  2. Incoming Mail (POP3) Server:
  3. POP3 User Name: this will be your username only (without ".ppp" or "")
  4. Mail Directory: C:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator\Mail
  5. News (NNTP) Server: or
  6. News RC Directory: C:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator\News

Click on OK at the bottom of the screen, and start Netscape again. You should be able now to send, receive and edit your E-Mail messages, while fishing on the Internet.

Additional Troubleshooting Guides



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