& Pike Fishing in Ireland
Complete Angling Guide & Holiday Planner to the Shannon Region
this Guide
Coarse angling tends be organised
around 'centres' usually towns and villages, where experienced caterers specialise in looking
after angling visitors. We describe fishing on this guide around centres
and provide much additional and supplementary information which
includes Specimen Fish Awards, Angling Advice, Coarse Fish
Species in Ireland and angling notes etc.
Coarse and Pike fishing is rated on the guide
to facilitate visiting anglers in selecting suitable fisheries
and preferred target angling species. While any rating
system is subjective in its interpretation, we
consider a number of important criteria in our
assessment of each fishery, they are angling feedback, stock
surveys where undertaken, specimen fish awards. It must be stressed
that such a rating system is only a guideline and
does not purport to be an absolute classification
system as there are too many other factors and
variables which can affect and influence the
angling potential of any water such as weather
conditions, time of year, and an anglers ability and skill etc.
We feel the rating system is a fair and accurate
reflection for each fishery based on the best
available knowledge/ information and must be
interpreted as such. We constantly review our ratings
to reflect the most recent angling trends.
How to find the information
you need
There are two ways to locate the information you
Using Drop Down Menus OR
Interactive Map Guide
Using the Drop Down Menus
The Shannon Region is divided into three distinct
zones, Upper, Mid and Lower Shannon. Within these zones there are
several angling centres where comprehensive and detailed fishing
guides are available, describing in some detail all the fisheries
around the centre, facilities and access and how to get there.
To access these is simple, simply drop down the menu in the
preferred zone and point and click with your mouse to jump to the
relevant page in the guide as in the illustrated screenshot below.

Using the Interactive Map
You may access the same information via a map, some
visitors may prefer this option. Simply click on the
illustrated screenshot below and click on the map name label of your

Angling Support
If you need further assistance on selecting suitable
coarse or pike fishing venues or services including
accommodation etc, please contact Brian Mc Manus, Angling
Section, Shannon Regional Fisheries Board, Military Road, Birr Co
Offaly Tel: +353 509 21777 Fax: +353 509 21756 or Email
Angling Services &
SERVICES are all listed which include
Bait Stockists, Boat and Cruiser Hire, Tackle Dealers etc.
This will help you plan and select exactly the service you want
online. We advertise an extensive list of mainly specialist
accommodation providers accessible from our
section. Effectively you can plan your whole fishing trip from
this site with the
exception of your air or ferry crossings. We hope this is of