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The listing below provides information on Principals and Chiefs of Mission who have been nominated for Department of State positions but await confirmation. For available biographies for those already confirmed, also visit the Biographies page.  For more information on date of nomination and current status, please see the White House Nominations page.

Ralph Boyce, nominee for Ambassador to Thailand - confirmed
James Cunningham, nominee for Ambassador to UN, Vienna
John Danforth, nominee for U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.
Glyn T. Davies, Class of Minister-Counselor, for the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service as the Political Director for the United States Presidency of the G-8 (attested by the President)
John Evans, nominee for Ambassador to Armenia - confirmed
Kenneth Hackett, nominee for Member, Board of Directors, Millennium Challenge Corporation
Suzanne Hale, nominee for Ambassador to Micronesia - confirmed
Christopher LaFleur, nominee for Ambassador to Malaysia
Douglas McElhaney, nominee for Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina - confirmed
James McGee, nominee for Ambassador to Madagascar - confirmed
James Moriarty, nominee for Ambassador to Nepal - confirmed
Lauren Moriarty, nominee with rank of Ambassador during tenure of service as US Senior Official to the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum - confirmed
Lynn Pascoe, nominee for Ambassador to Indonesia
Anne Patterson, Dep US Rep to UN, Rank of Ambassador - confirmed
Mitchell Reiss, nominee with rank of Ambassador during tenure of service as Special Envoy for Northern Ireland  - confirmed - attested
Charles Ries , nominee for Ambassador to Greece - confirmed
John Rood, nominee for Ambassador to the Bahamas
Richard J. Williamson,  for the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service as Representative of the United States of America on the Human Rights Commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations   (attested by the President)
Christine Todd Whitman, nominee for Member, Board of Directors, Millennium Challenge Corporation.
Aldona Wos, nominee for Ambassador to Estonia.

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