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Four G8 Compact Countries Announce their Plans to Combat Corruption

Foreign Press Center
Washington, DC
October 5, 2004

Under Secretary for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs Alan P. Larson, Government Representatives from Georgia, Nicaragua, Nigeria and Peru, and Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs Anthony Wayne briefing at the Foreign Press Center about the topic of "Four G8 Compact Countries Announce their Plans to Combat Corruption" on October 5, 2004 

Appearing in the photo, from left to right: H.E. Salvador Stadthagen, Nicaraguan Ambassador to the U.S.; First Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia, Ekaterine Gureshidze; Dr. Alan P. Larson, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs; Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Nigerian Minister of Finance; Ms. Ana Rosa Valdivieso, Advisor to Peruvian Prime Minister Carlos Ferrero; and Mr. E. Anthony Wayne, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs. State Department Photo.

Appearing in the photo, from left to right: H.E. Salvador Stadthagen, Nicaraguan Ambassador to the U.S.; First Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia, Ekaterine Gureshidze; Dr. Alan P. Larson, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs; Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Nigerian Minister of Finance; Ms. Ana Rosa Valdivieso, Advisor to Peruvian Prime Minister Carlos Ferrero; and Mr. E. Anthony Wayne, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs. State Department Photo.

Released on October 6, 2004
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