|  |  |  | Saturday, October 30, 2004 |
| U.S. Watches Ukraine Elections With Concern Deputy Secretary Armitage (Oct. 29): "[I]t is up to the Ukrainian people to decide who should lead them into the future. And when they do, we will work with whoever they elect--as long as the victor is chosen through a free and honest process. Indeed, we stand with the people of Ukraine." [full text]
Sudan: Crisis in Darfur Secretary Powell (Oct. 28): "[T]he first plane has headed into Sudan with African Union troops. They'll be coming initially from Rwanda and Nigeria to build up the force of about 300 now to several thousand...the United States has been in the forefront of this and President Bush has been speaking about this for a very long time, and I think he's mobilized the international community to help these people." [more]
Secretary Powell's Recent Travels to Asia Secretary Powell recently traveled to Japan, the People's Republic of China, and the Republic of Korea.
RSS News Feeds In addition to our popular electronic subscription services, the Bureau of Public Affairs now provides Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds to provide the latest State Department news.
Afghan Students Apply for State Department Exchange Program Over 264 Afghan boys and girls applied to the P4L-YES program in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. Recruitment will continue during October and November throughout Afghanistan.
|  |  |  |  | There will be a memorial service for Diplomatic Security Special Agent Ed Seitz in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area. Details will be announced when arrangements are finalized.
The Rewards for Justice Program recently paid three Filipinos $1 million for information on Abu Sayyaf Leaders.
The Office of Intergovernmental Affairs released its Fall 2004 newsletter for state and local officials.
|  | The 121st Foreign Service class was recently sworn-in by Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage.
Background Notes are factual publications that contain information on all the countries of the world with which the United States has relations. See the whole collection.
Is your destination the U.S.? This brief video explains new visa policies and procedures for visitors to the United States--a nation with secure borders and open doors. [DSL/Cable; dial-up; audio; transcript]
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