Translation Services |
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Green Crescent Translations takes great pride in
providing our clients with high quality language
translation services at a cost effective price.
Specializing in over 50 international languages,
Green Crescent Translations is staffed by a team
of professional, international translators that
is not only able to provide our clients with high-quality
translations, but a high degree of authenticity
that can only be achieved by native speakers. Our
team of translators stands ready to perform a wide
range of translation services including texts that
require specialized technical, legal, medical, scientific,
engineering, business, marketing, internet, and
other terminology. Our team also realizes high quality
services in website localization and subtitling
for the motion picture industry. Green Crescent
is able to work in most major software formats including
Trados, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Pagemaker, In-Design,
Excel, MS Word, Power Point, and HTML.
Solutions for Business
Green Crescent Translations
is the perfect solution for organizations
with a need to communicate effectively with
non-English speaking audiences yet find
the cost of marinating in-house translators
inefficient. Even if your project involves
languages other than the over 50 in which
we work, we can utilize our network of associates
to realize any project large or small in
any number of languages. Green Crescent
offers project management solutions for
all your language and communication needs.
If your communications must be top quality,
don't settle for less. Green Crescent Translations
can help. We offer special business rates
and discounts for frequent clients. Contact
us today. |
Crescent Translations Free Estimates
Send your text to us at
for a fast, free estimate.