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Buying a property
The residence card

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Buying a property:

  • Check the property title very carefully.
  • Make sure that the seller is the legal owner.
  • Make sure that there are no outstanding debts or inheritance problems.
  • Obtain receipts for any payments.
  • Never sign a contract with any blank lines.

It is in any case advisable to use the services of a lawyer of good reputation

A lawyer should be able to evaluate the land, make sure that it meets all the necessary requirements and to determine whether the documentation is legitimate. He can also assist in the necessary government procedures.

The real estate agent should do all of the leg work for you, eliminating unsuitable places and finding those within your budget.
The real estate agent cannot generally help you with the legal or financial aspects of buying property.

Surface unit:
1 tarea = 628 m²;  16 tareas = 1 hectare = 10 000 m²
1 tarea = 0,16 acres; 6,25 tareas = 1 acre
Unit converter


The residence card



For stays of less than 3 months it is not necessary to obtain a residence card even if you own a villa. However for longer stays or to work there it is essential to be titular of a residence card, the "Cedula"

Non-exhaustive list of documents required to obtain your residency in the in the Dominican Republic

  • Birth certificate
  • Extract of criminal record
  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificate of the children

(all these documents must be legalized by the Dominican Consul of the home countries and be translated into Spanish).

  • documents in proof of an economic interest in the Dominican Republic which can be: a real estate investment, a participation (even minority) in a commercial company, a contract of employment…
  • seven face view photographs and two from the left and two from the right profile
  • Medical health certificate. Established by authorized health centres including chest x-ray, blood and urine analysis
  • two copies of the complete passport
  • Certificate of the Directorate-General of  Migrations indicating the last entry in the country.

The file accompanied by a form will have to be deposited at the Dominican Chancellery in Santo Domingo. The passport of the candidate will then receive a stamp which will allow him a second entry in the country and will thus avoid him to pay the entry tax of  ten dollars at the airport.

You now get your residency card  for one year normally within three months but you must pick them up in person. Upon completion of that initial one year period, you will re-new your residence for a second year.  Upon completion of this second year period, you can become formally nationalized and obtain your Dominican Passport.Top



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