My Two Cents
Link Manipulation
Link popularity is a winning factor in many campaigns to achieve
a substantial boost in your rankings, however; with all good can
come over-inflated and out of control manipulation.
The search engines will not be defeated for long. Those who think
they can get away with something in the short term will generally
come unstuck in the long term. Google have changed their algorithm
(end 2003) which has upset many website owners who relied upon
Google results to provide them business. To me, that is ineffective
marketing, which ever way you look at it.
Websites who dominated the rankings because of link popularity
suddenly became unstuck and are now, nowhere to be seen. Websites
with minimal popularity but great content and even those with
little content and medium popularity have begun to dominate the
rankings for their given terms. Many people blame Google, blame
SEO's and anyone else they can blame. These are free rankings that
you are contending within, which are constantly being manipulated
to use every inch of the system structure.
Users will tolerate poor quality products and content when they
search. With this algorithm change and some minor tweaking by
Google, the results will eventually steady and those who once
dominated the net will still not be seen.
Many people, especially SEO's and Link Marketeers, get carried away
with the websites that their link is going to be displayed upon.
Yes, a website with wrong or illegal content and websites that
blatantly abuse search engines editorial policies, are best to be
avoided but everything else is OK.
Another thing that I have found is people getting too wrapped up in
what Google wants! It is well documented that Google is currently
the major search engine on the Internet. Google is also the major
search engine that keeps changing their rules because so many
attempt to manipulate them. Remember this, Yahoo was the leader of
the pack in 2001.
What about the other MAJOR Search Engines that deliver the other
50% or so of traffic? This leads people to become too choosy with
who they will and won't link too. How about this! Link to whom ever
you please within the above standards, and advertise your website
as much as possible.
Whether your website is on a page with no PR or on a page with a
PR10, pages change, link importance changes and every search engine
evaluates different aspects to rank websites within their engine.
Maintaining a high ranking is like changing your underwear; a daily
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Link Analysis Breakdown
Search Engine Relevance Ranking
It's simple. Link popularity, are links pointing at your
website! Link analysis is the quality of the link pointing at your
website. Link analysis is the topic to be concerned about when it
comes to link popularity. For those who wish to DIY link
popularity, review
here to find reciprocal link partners. For all others who
have a little time, read on before employing any linking
Quick discussion on reciprocal and non-reciprocal links. Reciprocal
links are an agreement between two websites to carry each others
links pointing at one another. Non-reciprocal links are those
solely pointing at your website that you don't have to return the
favour. So many have been caught up in reciprocal linking, that
Google changed their algorithm and doesn't require that any longer.
Now everyone is attempting to find non-reciprocal linking partners.
Many websites who previously enjoyed their reciprocal link
partnerships decided to delete their links pointing at another
website. A blatant attempt to have links solely pointing at them
for Google's sake.
The facts are this! A link is a link is a link. Simple huh? It
doesn't really matter whether a link is reciprocated, or whether a
link is one way, the link is counted on other factors for
importance purposes. You can have an X-rated site link to yours,
and no damage is actually done. You cannot damage another site by
linking to it, nor can anyone damage yours by linking into it.
Damage only occurs from you, and who you link too. One hundred porn
sites can link to you without any damage what so ever, though if
your gifts site links to one porn site, you just did yourself a
huge dissatisfaction. If the first where the case, then everyone
could harm everyone else's site, and that's just not the case at
Now, to quickly answer this question before it is raised. Is a one way link more valuable than a reciprocated link? Yes and No. A one-way link from a gift site to a auto auction site may get less weight than a reciprocated link between two gift sites, though; if you changed that one-way link from one gift site to another, then that would hold more importance than a reciprocated link.
The actual important factors to be concerned about are these:
- The content of the page linking to you.
- The content of the page being linked.
- The theme of the site linking to you.
- The theme of your site.
- The anchor text of the link pointing towards you.
- The method in which that anchor is based (static only).
- The alt text for linked images.
Simple isn't it. Some people make it out to be very complicated, which it is when you get very in-depth with testing link importance, though for the general site to get links and get high rankings, and relative traffic, any good combination of links is a great start. Our link popularity is different to our directory submission packages.
Our Link Popularity Solution
One Way Links, Varied Anchor Text, Perfect
We have a very simple and easy method to gather a variety of links for your website, whilst maintaining control over anchor text and descriptions. We place your site listing upon our directory submission page. When people want a listing in our directory, they link to our partners, being your listing. The website receives a one-way link from our directory to them, you receive a one-way link from them to you. We don't know where on a site your listing will be, we don't know how many sites will be listed on a page, nor what PageRank those pages are, for those concerned about that. We simply place your site and start accruing one-way links, niche specific and non-specific links. We can vary the anchor text on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis, basically when your happy to change or we feel enough links have been gathered under one keyword or URL. We can vary the URL to ensure a broad spread of homepage and deep links are achieved across your site.
Our average acceptance rate for free listings is approximately 30 - 70 links per month towards a partner when listed. We no longer sell our link popularity on a quantity basis, and now sell it on a monthly basis for your listing to appear upon our submission page. Only one partner can be listed per month. Listing cost is only US$150.00 per month (approximately AUD$210.00). We allow purchases up to six month blocks. We also sell excellent directory submission packages separately.