Making Local Social Change Efforts More Effective Across the Nation |
Every day, in communities across the country, educators, business leaders, community organizers, students, and policymakers are working to bring about positive social change.
The success of these local efforts depends on the right blend of leadership, community involvement, and capacity building to empower individuals, organizations, and systems to create a better future.
As a national social change organization working throughout the United States, AED helps communities find the right balance and offers them unique opportunities to take their programs, policies, and practices in valuable new directions. Three projects illustrate how AED’s national perspective enriches local social change efforts.
>>Read More in the Fall 2004 edition of AED Connections
Building a Future For Liberia's Children
The Liberia Resource Mobilization Committee and AED are hosting a Gala Dinner on Saturday, November 20th to raise funds for Liberia's children.
Funds will help rehabilitate battered Liberian schools, provide school supplies and computers for students and support sports programs in 97 war-torn communities.
>>Learn more