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Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy
Charter of the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy
Commission Members
Meeting Transcripts and Minutes

Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy

The U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy is a bipartisan panel created by Congress and appointed by the President to provide oversight of U.S. Government activities intended to understand, inform, and influence foreign publics.

The Commission, now in its 54th year, was reauthorized in October 2000 pursuant to P.L. 106-113 (H.R. 3194, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2000). It is responsible for assessing public diplomacy policies and programs of the U.S. State Department, American missions abroad, and other agencies. Advisory Commission responsibilities extend to international exchanges, U.S. Government international information programs, and publicly-funded non-governmental organizations.

By law, the Commission's six members are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. They are selected from a cross-section of professional backgrounds and serve three-year terms with the possibility for reappointment.

The Commission reports its findings and recommendations to the President, the Congress, the Secretary of State, and to the American people. 

Staff and Contact Information

Matt J. Lauer, Executive Director

Jamice Clayton, Administrative Officer

U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy
301 4th St. SW., Rm. 600
Washington, DC 20547
phone: 202-203-7880
fax: 202-203-7886


The Commission has released its 2004 annual report assessing public diplomacy policies and programs of the U.S. government. This report follows up on the October 2003 report of the Advisory Group on Public Diplomacy for the Arab and Muslim World, a subcommittee of the Commission, and will be posted on this site when released.  

Read Commissioner Tré Evers testimony on August 23, 2004, before the House Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations hearing, "The 9/11 Commission Recommendations on Public Diplomacy: Defending Ideals and Defining the Message."

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