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Drug and Alcoholism Treatment Directory and Information Listings

Drug Rehab Center
Drug and Alcohol Rehab: Holistic Addiction Treatment Center, Inc.

Alcohol Rehab

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation and Recovery Directory

Addiction Related Directory Listings

Click on Any of the Substance Abuse Link Categories Below for More Drug and Alcohol Addiction Information

Self-help groups can complement and extend the effects of a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. The most prominent self-help groups are those affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Cocaine Anonymous (CA), all of which are based on the 12-step model, and Smart Recovery®. Most drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs and rehabs encourage patients to participate in a self-help group during and after formal treatment. This will give the drug addict or alcoholic their best chance in developing long-term coping skills so they can maintain a healthy and happy life without their drugs and/or alcohol.

It is also very important to remember that Family and friends can play critical roles in motivating individuals with drug and alcohol addictions to enter and stay in a alcoholism or drug treatment program. Family therapy is important, especially for adolescents (See Approaches to Treatment Section). Involvement of a family member in an individual's treatment program can strengthen and extend the benefits of the program.

Abuse Diagnosis Dual Substance through Addiction Newark Treatment Listings

Addiction Phoenix Treatment through Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center Listings

Alcohol and Drug Treatment through Alcoholism Addiction Treatment Listings

Alternative Drug Treatment through Center Drug Florida Rehabilitation Listings

Center Drug Rehab Treatment through Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Listings

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center through Drug Rehab in Florida Listings

Drug Rehab in Texas through Florida Drug Rehab Listings

Georgia Alcohol Treatment Center through Ohio Drug Rehab Listings

Opiate Addiction Treatment through Virginia Drug Rehab Listings

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation News for

Volunteer Opportunities
Match-Up Interfaith Volunteers is looking for caring people willing to escort elders to and from medical appointments. No car is needed, and hours are flexible; during weekdays. For more information, call 617-482-1510 or go to
Officials Eye Drivers With Medical Problems
States must do a better job identifying and removing from roadways drivers with medical conditions like epilepsy and dementia that make them dangerous to other motorists, federal safety officials said Tuesday.
Council on Alcoholism to receive $150,000 grant
Houston Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse is among three Texas agencies who will share $450,000 in grants from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Girlfriend Convicted Of Killing Boyfriend With Heroin On L.I.
Girlfriend Convicted Of Killing Boyfriend With Heroin On L.I. MINEOLA, N.Y. -- A Long Island woman has been convicted of killing her boyfriend with a heroin overdose.
ATHENA Program Helps Female Athletes
A program for high school students decreased the abuse of stimulant medications and other substances believed to enhance body image or performance among female high school athletes, while encouraging healthy behaviors. Read More: Early Drinking Onset Increases Lifetime Injury Risk...
Sleep Finding Could Help Recovering Alcoholics
New research about how alcohol affects sleep could lead to medications to address a common reason some alcoholics go back to drinking – disturbed sleep when they try to stop. Read More: Getting Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawl...
Authorities seize $3M to $4M worth of heroin
CLIFTON, N.J. - Federal and Passaic County authorities raided a two-family duplex and seized between $3 million and $4 million worth of heroin and $100,000 in cash.
Supreme Court: DUI Not Cause for Deportation
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a drunk driving accident does not give the government the right to deport the offender because driving under the influence is not a "crime of violence" even if someone is injured....
Substance Abuse in the News
    --  Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse Linked     --  Lives Remade in Drug Court     --  Purdue Pharma on Trial in West Virginia     --  Initiative to Legalize Pot Fails Big     --  Voters Reject 'Three Strikes' Law Reform     --  Oregon Effort to Reduce Meth...
Contraceptives, alcoholism worry Kerala church:
[Kerala, India]: Thiruvananthapuram, Nov 10 : Desperate times call for desperate measures. So the Syro-Malabar Catholic church is all set to tackle "worrying" trends such as marriage break-ups and use of contraceptives.
Police helped me steal heroin, says witness
A witness has testified that two policemen helped him to steal heroin in Sydney, at the Police Integrity Commission (PIC) hearings today. The convicted drug trafficker has admitted that he then sold the drugs and the trio shared the profits.
Woman Guilty In "Heroin" Murder
(1010 WINS) MINEOLA, Long Island A Long Island woman has been convicted of killing her boyfriend with a heroin overdose. A Nassau County jury deliberated for five hours over two days before returning the guilty verdict against 50-year-old Maria Arena of Massapequa.
Children of Alcoholics Get Less 'Warning Signs'
Receptors in the brain that are highly sensitive to alcohol may function differently in a person with a family history of alcoholism, according to a Yale study. Read More: Sweet Tooth, Novely Seeking Can Predict Alcoholism...
Do You Have a Alcohol or Drug Problem?
Alcohol and drug use can progress into abuse and even addition so insidiously that sometimes people do not realize that their drinking or drugging has become a real problem for them and those around them. The following self-assessment tests can...
Behind Truscott appeal, another battle raged
The Supreme Court of Canada was far more divided over the Steven Truscott case than the country was led to believe and deeply worried that the chief justice, who had descended into alcoholism and poor health, would prove an embarrassment during an unprecedented 1966-67 hearing, a new book says.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center: Giordano and GoldfarbHolistic Approach to Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Drug Rehab Directory 1 | Addiction Treatment Directory 2 | Alcohol Rehabilitation Directory 3 | Drug Rehabilitation Directory 4 | Drug Rehabilitation and Addiction Directory 5 | Drug Rehab in Florida Directory 6 | Drug Rehabilitation and Dual Diagnosis Directory 7 | Drug Rehabilitation Ohio, Miami, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Missouri, North Carolina, New York Directory 8 | Opiate Addiction Treatment Directory 9