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Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Recovery Programs

Drug Rehab Center
Drug and Alcohol Rehab: Holistic Addiction Treatment Center

Alcohol Rehab


Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center - Recovery Programs

Holistic Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs:

Drug and Alcohol RehabilitationIntensive Outpatient/Modified Inpatient Services: Our program is an intensive five week, five evenings/days a week structured drug rehabilitation and alcohol rehabilitation program, allowing clients to maintain employment and current living conditions while providing the supportive therapeutic environment needed to maintain the recovery process. This intensive program includes group lectures and guided therapy on relapse (Gorski), the disease model, other addictions, and an introduction into a 12 step recovery program (AA, NA, OA etc). Each client's treatment plan is tailored to meet their specific needs.

LONG TERM TREATMENT:........................................... 10 WEEKS TO 1 YEAR

When circumstances necessitate, a shorter term than 4 1/2 weeks is possible. Our individualized treatment plan's therapeutic activities are developed based on assessments by a multidisciplinary treatment team. Throughout the course of the drug rehabilitation treatment program, the client is included in his or her treatment planning and helps to identify and establish their own particular objectives and goals. A client can be moved from one phase of care to another during any stage of treatment if it is deemed clinically appropriate.

Family Program: Our family program is an important part of treatment process. We invite and encourage family members and significant others to attend family group therapy sessions and lectures. Family members are introduced to self-help groups such as Alanon, Narcanon, etc., to assist with ongoing support. We feel that families need to heal along with the client. For out-of-towners we have phone conferencing.

Recreation: Laughter and fun are our bodies natural healers. We feel that having fun, playing, and participating in healthy activities are very therapeutic in drug rehabilitation and alcohol rehabilitation. Some of our recreational activities include outings to the beach, health spa, world class gym, karate (taught by national karate champions), yoga, baseball, swimming, tennis available and weight lifting (trainer available). Boredom, restlessness, and anxiety will eventually lead to relapse. By participating in physical activities, in addition to therapy, stress and anxiety are released.

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Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center: Giodano and GoldfarbHolistic Approach to Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation News for

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The Daily Herald :: Your town. Your neighbors. Your newspaper.
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Police helped me steal heroin, says witness
A witness has testified that two policemen helped him to steal heroin in Sydney, at the Police Integrity Commission (PIC) hearings today.
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