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Frequently Asked Questions and Facts Index
The following alphabetical index is to help
you quickly find the answer to general permit questions. The keywords
lead you to frequently asked questions and their answer, as well
as links to fact sheets and specific web pages.
What are the permit requirements
to export or re-export products, such as handbags or skulls, of
the American alligator? The American alligator (Alligator
mississippiensis) is listed as threatened due to similarity
of appearance under the ESA and in CITES Appendix II.
You must obtain a permit (click here for an application form)
if: (a) the export or re-export is commercial; (b) your
personal crocodilian (alligator, caiman, crocodile, or gavial)
items are more than four in quantity; (c) for personal items,
the foreign country requires you to have a U.S. CITES document;
or (d) the personal item is being mailed or shipped separately
to a foreign country.
You do not need a permit from us to export or re-export alligator
parts or product as accompanying personal baggage or effects,
or as part of a move of household effects if the total quantity
of personal crocodilian items is not more than four. Not
all CITES countries recognize these exemptions, and may require
a CITES permit. Also, some countries may require an import permit
under their domestic legislation. Contact theforeign
country to meet its requirements. If the foregin country
requires you to have a U.S. CITES document, click here for an
application form.
A person engaged in business as an importer or exporter of
wildlife must obtain an import/export license.
Click here for a fact
sheet on how to commercially export or re-export wildlife,
including alligator parts, products or derivatives with a CITES
Do I need a permit to import or
export products that contain Aloe vera?Neither Aloe vera nor its parts, products, or
derivatives need a permit from us. However, the subspecies
Aloe vera var. chinensis is listed in Appendix
II of CITES, and live plants, parts, products, or derivatives
of this subspecies require a CITES permit to be imported or exported.
Click here for a CITES export permit application
form. Check with APHIS
to meet its requirements.
CITES: Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species BGEPA: Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act ESA: Endangered Species Act
MBTA: Migratory Bird Treaty Act MMPA: Marine Mammal Protection Act WBCA: Wild Bird Conservation Act