The World of Tael'Aen > Tael' Aen Rules and Guidelines. > Tael Aen Rules and Guidelines. |
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Tael Aen The Lore Keeper Game Master Posts: 1075 (6/20/04 10:59 am) ezSupporter |
Tael Aen Rules and Guidelines. Tael'Aens Law. Staff members are not exempt, and these rules will be upheld at all times. Also, these are the only writings on Tael'Aen that will never be up for discussion and/or debate. These are the only, set in stone rules for Tael'Aen which effect the entire board. There are no other rules, unwritten or written. Everything else you will see upon Tael'Aen shall be considered guidelines and suggestions. 1.) Ezboard screen names/alias/member names shall not have the following in them: Numbers, symbols, modern day gadget names, obvious anime references, cartoons, l33t speak, etc.. If your ezboard name is Aragorn, that's fine. If your ezboard name is t1st3d, that is not fine. It's a big fat : " I didn't read your rules!" to us. 2.) Do not post in any of the IC forums until your character has been approved! (The Artist's Muse, OOC&OOM, Player to Player, are not considered IC forums. You can go post to your heart's content there.) 3.) To become approved, fill out a character application form! 4.) Absolutely no overabundance of OOC ( Out Of Character) chatter in any thread outside of the OOC forums, and single OOC threads posted inside each forum other than important notices. 5.) ASK before jumping into any ongoing Role Playing post. Our Player to Player forum is all about getting things set up for you so that you can play. Feel free to use it! 6.) Do not "mod", do not tell, describe, or push actions upon another players character without player consent. Ever. Never, ever, ever. This makes members and staff very angry and we may beat you with carrots. 7.) Above all else: have a modicum of maturity and hold some respect for staff, members and lastly, yourself. If it makes you feel better, sing a few bars of the song too. 8.) POSTING AN ENTIRE ROLE PLAY ENTRY IN CAPS IS NAUGHTY. IT IS CONSIDERED SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS UPON THE INTERNET. DON'T DO IT, OR I WILL SICK RABID FAIRIES ON YOUR BUTT! 9.) Players will not be allowed to play gods/goddess/or god-like characters. (Power Gaming ) Period, end of story, end of discussion. Start your character off brand new to whatever skills or powers they have, regardless of how long you have played him/her on other boards. 10.) There will be ZERO tolerance of Drama/Backstabbing/Flaming/Insulting Other boards or other members on this site. If you have a problem with another board/member that stems from another site...I , nor may staff want to hear it. Deal with it in the mature fashion. Take it to e-mails, Private messages, etc. There will also be ZERO tolerance of any sort of public bashing. By posting here, I and my staff take it to mean that you wish to relax, and get away from the tediousness of everyday life. So do that. Leave your other board/other member/past problems from other sites at the Tael'Aen door please! 11.) If you play more than one character, you MUST have more than one Ezboard name. 12.) There is no such thing as time traveling on Tael'Aen, therefore: you cannot have a single character playing in two threads at once. If your character is caught playing in more than ONE thread, he/she may be deleted from the extra threads completely. 13.) If you violate any of these rules three times in a row, are caught, banning can and will occur. 14.) Extreme, sexually explicit/graphically violent situations found outside of the Adult, password protected forum offered here in Tael'Aen will be immediately deleted. I don't care if your character swears like a sailor, has a habit of leering, making lewd comments and feeling up the serving wenches- but keep the detail of sexual encounters to a bare, acceptable, minimum when in a public forums. Repeated offenders of this rule will find thy selves banned. 15.) PLEASE leave us someway to contact you! If you do not wish to make your Email address public in your profile, or you do not wish to share it with us in the Player contact thread, Please make sure you allow private Ez - In box messaging and accept Administrator E-mails! Now...after all the seriousness is done..For Goddess sakes..Go out there and have FUN! Oh, and don't forget! Before making a character or posting IC or OOC, please sign HERE , and make sure to let me know that you've really read the rules, by including the word : peripatetic somewhere in your reply!! Edited by: Tael Aen at: 10/2/04 10:40 am |
Tael Aen The Lore Keeper Game Master Posts: 1076 (6/20/04 11:08 am) ezSupporter |
Posting Turn System - From here on out, all players must take turns in order of appearance in a thread, unless a player has been absent for at least THREE full days. In order to guarantee that everyone in a thread has a chance to react appropriately to the posts ahead of them, this is a necessary rule. We know it's hard to wait, but it's far better than being flat-out skipped and/or disregarded in a thread. Tag Team - If there are four or more players in a thread, a healthy suggestion is the Tagging System. This simply means that at the end of each post, the player includes a small note in italics stating Tag *Name of Next Person In Line*. This is helpful for two reasons: 1. no one is skipped, and 2. it's easier to just glance at the end of someone's post to see who's next, then to scan over the entire thread again and do the math. |
Tael Aen The Lore Keeper Game Master Posts: 1077 (6/20/04 11:36 am) ezSupporter |
Re: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Where is ........ ...The character Application Form? ...The listing of Races? ...The magic system used on Tael'Aen? ...Spell listings? ...Magi Ranks/And what they mean? ...Information on The Bardic Academy? ...Information on Zymrr Island? ( Magic Academy) ...Information on how to address/use titles for Nobility? ...Guidelines on what to do, and what not too, for application forms? ...The world Map? ...Information on God's and Goddess'? ...The Staff Application form? ...The Out of Character Forum? ...A good place to get information about Tael'Aen? ...The weights and measures used on Tael'Aen? ...A listing of Staff members? ...Information on How To Role Play? ...Information on What not to Do while Role Playing? ...Free avatars to use for my ezboard acount? ...The Adult Forum Permission and Sign up? ...The signature testing/Ezboard FAQ thread? ...A thread letting me know what plots are going on now? ...The most active forum? What kind of races are there? The Lore Keepers Study has a vast array of information, including a topic with all of the available races that can be played upon Tael'Aen, and linking them to an informative write up. What is role playing? If you are not passing familiar with role play, in all honesty, Tael'Aen may not be the board for you. However, if you are bound and determined, there is information on the subject inside of the "Beginner's Guide to Tael'Aen". Why can't I keep my screen name? It only has one reference to an anime/number/modern thing in it! It's the principle of the thing. And secondly, Tael'Aen is in no way a modern place. Inuyasha would not be running around looking for a jewel shard in Calthrucarr, and I really doubt The Hulk would look good in tights. Respect our wishes for the board; having this creates a certain atmosphere. OMG- I can't play my own race that I made! I mean- I made it up and everything! How can I convince you to let me play it? At the moment, race applications are closed. That means, I won't even accept a made up race from a staff member at this point in time. So , there really isn't any way you could convince me to allow you to play your own race, regardless of talent, skill, age or what not. Nooooooo! Damn you!....Uh, why did you do that? As you can see, Tael'Aen has a large number of races finished, or very close to being so. However, not many people were choosing to play from the races already available, and I was becoming overwhelmed with the information coming into me- and that which I had to finish. Race applications were closed, in order for me to catch up. I haven't any idea when they will be reopened. Hey! My character from Omicron, Planet of the Grapes- Can SO teleport here! Why did you say he couldn't? Like, everyone knows that modern people can beam from planet to planet! And time travel! And portals...and stuff! Unfortunately, in order to maintain the non-modern atmosphere of Tael'Aen completely, I have chosen to not accept any character that was not born, and has not lived it's entire life upon Tael'Aen. If you are interested in a modern fantasy, there are many excellent boards out there for you to play on Tael'Aen just isn't futuristic in anyway- no matter what their ancient history was. I have to get a new ezboard account to play a second character? That sucks!...Uh, why? 1.) Lowering confusion. If you post as another screen name, it's harder to mistake which character you are playing. 2.) It's also a good deterrent, in *most* cases ( See: Mir. She-of-too-many-names) to *not* create 203242492354 different characters. I find the quality of role play starts slipping mightily, if one is stretched out too far. Thus, why the rule is in effect. However, you are welcome to play as many NPC's from a single name as you think you can handle. People keep telling me to do things to my profile! Why the hell do you people keep nit picking?! It's fine. I put what I felt , all the information you need to know, in it. Good gawds! You really don't expect me to write THAT MUCH on a character profile? Yes. We do. The more fleshed out a character you present to us, the more fleshed out plot, or story line- we know you can give us. The more time and effort taken into a profile, translates into an impression upon us. If you took so much time and effort on a character profile, we know that you will take care and time on your posts. The better the profile; the better the chances of getting in. Just that simple. Staff members are commenting to your profile, in order to help you see things you may have missed, see things in a different light- or help you flesh out that character to the best of all of our abilities. They are trying to help you, so be patient, be kind, and don't look too far into things. If you have any other questions or concerns, always feel free to contact the administrator ( Moi) , or my staff. Edited by: Tael Aen at: 7/25/04 10:17 am |
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