USTDA's Latin America and Caribbean
program responds to the need for foreign investment, products,
and services in the region. Projects that have been supported
by USTDA include the construction of reliable inter-modal ports
(linking highways, railways, and ports), power plants,
petrochemicals, telecommunication systems, and water treatment
plants, as well as the development of new or expanded mines.
USTDA is moving aggressively to insure that American companies
and technology are there to supply the needed resources for this
growing and vibrant market. USTDA has also supported trade
capacity building projects that have the potential of
jump-starting new areas of human development in host countries.
Since the agency's creation in 1981, USTDA
investments in projects in Latin America and the Caribbean have
produced over $5 billion in U.S. exports associated with the
implementation of more than 165 projects. During fiscal year
2004, USTDA provided funding totaling $9.1 million related to
more than 40 new projects in the region.
The following is a partial listing of
recent USTDA-supported projects in Latin America and the
Corporation, together with a number of
subcontractors, is finalizing the feasibility
Petrobras Refinery Fire Control Upgrades,
Standards and Training - USTDA is funding
($590,394) technical assistance that will help
Petrobras develop a comprehensive plan to
upgrade fire control and process at its
refineries, develop |
San Bartolomé Silver
Mine - USTDA is funding a $760,000 grant for
a feasibility study conducted by the Coeur
D'Alene Mines Corporation of Coeur D'Alene,
Idaho, for the San Bartolomé silver mine project
in Potosí, Bolivia. Total capital investment
for the project is approximately $267 million
with U.S. export potential during the life of
the mine estimated at $93 million. Coeur
D'Alene Mines |
for fire control and systems for its existing
and new refinery projects and to develop a
training program for refinery staff.
Private Rail Concessionaires – USTDA
provided a $231,560 grant to partially fund ...