|  |  |  | Wednesday, November 17, 2004 |
| President Nominates Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State President Bush (Nov. 16): "The Secretary of State is America's face to the world. And in Dr. Rice, the world will see the strength, the grace and the decency of our country. Both Condi and I have been proud to serve with our friend, Secretary of State Colin Powell. He has been one of the most effective and admired diplomats in America's history." [full text]
The Secretary Resigns Secretary Powell (Nov. 15): "It has been my great honor and privilege to have been once again given the opportunity to serve my nation, and I will always treasure the 4 years that I have spent with President Bush and with the wonderful men and women of the Department of State." [full text; audio; DSL; dial-up]. Also read the Secretary's letter of resignation and statement by President Bush.
International Education Week 2004 Join the U.S. Departments of State and Education in celebrating International Education Week. International Education Week provides an opportunity to highlight the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. Visit our website to test your knowledge of the world with the Global IQ Quiz, or to see the many events being held around the country and the globe in honor of the occasion.
A Gift for Ramadan U.S. Ambassador Lynn Pascoe delivers gifts to children from the Panti Asuhan Hairun Nisaa home for children in celebration of Ramadan. The U.S. Embassy Jakarta continued the tradition of breaking fast with the boys and girls of the orphanage during third annual visit.
|  |  |  |  | Ambassador John F. Maisto discusses the United States and the future of the Organization of American States during his remarks at Webster University.
The Kingdom of Morocco agreed to host the first "Forum for the Future" on December 11, 2004, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in Rabat. Read press statement and remarks by Under Secretary Larson.
The United States is launching a $100 million hurricane recovery program as part of our commitment to helping the nations of the Caribbean hit hardest by Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne.
|  | In addition to our popular electronic subscription services, the Bureau of Public Affairs now provides Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds to provide the latest State Department news.
Background Notes are factual publications that contain information on all the countries of the world with which the United States has relations. See the whole collection.
Is your destination the U.S.? This brief video explains new visa policies and procedures for visitors to the United States--a nation with secure borders and open doors. [DSL/Cable; dial-up; audio; transcript]
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