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International Trade and Economic Statistics

Which markets represent the best opportunities for your exports ... or the worst? Researching potential markets begins with understanding trade patterns in the international marketplace.

Imports & Exports by Country and Commodity - U.N. Statistics

Country-by-country imports by commodity
(Example: Austrialian imports of soap, tires, etc.)


Country exports by commodity

(Example: German exports of soap, computers, etc.)


Importers by commodity
(Example: countries importing cardboard, auto parts, etc.)


Exporters by commmodity
(Example: countries exporting cardboard, auto parts, etc.)


TradeStats Express

What are your target markets? Use this online service to display and graph U.S. trade with countries and regions worldwide.

View U.S. exports by product to selected countries

View exports by U.S. state or region to selected markets

View global distribution of U.S. or state exports

U.S. Agricultural Trade Statistics

Ag-specific trade statistics and evaluation tools offered by the Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.

U.S. Trade and Industry Data

The Office of Trade and Economic Analysis (OTEA) collects and analyzes international and domestic trade data and produces a variety of reports on U.S. exporters and export markets.


Economic and trade data for countries in the European Union.

OECD Economic and Trade Statistics

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) publishes a variety of international trade statistics and reports. Additional statistics can be found in the OECD Statistics Portal.

U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics

Current and historical trade statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Domestic & International Macroeconomic Statistics - Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)