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Broadcasting Services
Video and Audio Releases
 - Africa
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 - Awards
 - Broadcast Glossary
 - Daily Briefing Video
 - East Asia and the Pacific
 - Foreign Policy Overviews
 - Human Resources
 - Information Technology
 - Intelligence Reform
 - International Child Abductions
 - International Religious Freedom
 - International Terrorism
 - Islamic Life in America
 - Middle East/Near East
 - Public Service Announcements
 - Secretary Powell's Radio Interviews (audio only)
 - September 11, 2001: Condolences and Remembrances
 - South Asia
 - Students
 - Trafficking in Persons Issues and Reports
 - Visa
 - Women's Issues

Video and Audio Releases

--02/11/04  Sudan: Peace Agreement Around the Corner? [dial-up; audio, text]
--02/06/04  Liberia Reconstruction - DSL/Cable [dial-up; audio; text]
--01/15/03  President's Remarks to AGOA Summit [DSL/cable] [dial-up] [audio-only] [text]
--08/20/02  Briefing on the Food Crisis in Southern Africa [DSL/cable] or connect to dial-up modem, audio, or text versions

Aviation Security
--08/12/02  Aviation Security [DSL/cable] or connect to dial-up modem or text versions
--08/12/02  B-Roll of Aviation Security Changes [DSL/cable] or connect to dial-up modem or text

--10/27/04  2004 Ace Award Presentation To Fiji Water [DSL/Cable]  [dial-up]  [audio] [transcript]
--10/27/04  2004 Ace Award Presentation To Motorola [DSL/Cable] [dial-up]  [audio] [transcript]
--09/28/04  2004 Service to America Award Winner - Ambassador Prudence Bushnell [DSL/Cable] [dial-up]  [audio] [transcript]
--03/29/04  World Food Prize [DSL/cable] [dial-up] [audio][transcript]
--10/15/03  2003 Awards for Corporate Excellence: ChevronTexaco Corporation [DSL/Cable] or connect to dial-up modem, audio, or text version
--10/15/03  2003 Awards for Corporate Excellence: United States Steel Corporation [DSL/Cable] or connect to dial-up modem, audio, or text version
--10/01/02  2002 Award for Corporate Excellence: Chindex International [DSL/cable] or connect to dial-up modem, audio, or text version
--10/01/02  2002 Award for Corporate Excellence: Coca-Cola Company [DSL/cable] or connect to dial-up modem, audio, or text version
--09/12/02  Remarks Upon Receiving the Hans J. Morgenthau Award; Secretary Colin L. Powell; New York, New York [audio; dsl/cable; dial-up modem]
--01/16/02  2001 Award for Corporate Excellence: Ford Motor Company [dial-up modem] or connect to text version

--01/16/02  2001 Award for Corporate Excellence: SELCO-Vietnam [dial-up modem] or connect to text version

Daily Briefing Video

East Asia and the Pacific
--04/24/03  Changing Dynamics in the Asia-Pacific Region: Implications for U.S. Business and Policy- [DSL/Cable] [dial-up] [audio] [transcript]

Foreign Policy Overviews
--07/20/04  Secretary Powell at Haiti Donors' Conference - DSL/Cable [dial-up; audio; transcript]
--06/07/04  Secretary Powell: Remarks to the First Plenary Session of the Organization of American States General Assembly [DSL/Cable] [dial-up] [audio][transcript]
--05/12/04  Secretary Powell at the Chamber of Commerce [DSL/cable] [ audio]  [dialup] [Transcript]
--03/03/04  Annual B.C. Lee Luncheon Lecture to the Heritage Foundation [DSL/Cable] [audio] [dialup] [transcript]
--02/20/04  Secretary Powell: Remarks on the Occasion of George Kennan’s Centenary Birthday [DSL/Cable] [Modem] [audio] [transcript]
--11/05/03  Powell: US/China Relations [DSL/Cable] [audio] [dialup] [transcript]
--09/29/03  Secretary Powell's Remarks at U.S.-Arab Economic Forum [DSL/Cable]  [dial-up] [audio] [transcript]
--09/08/03  Secretary Powell's Remarks at The Elliott School of International Affairs - DSL/Cable [dial-upaudio; transcript]
--09/03/03  Powell Press Conference - Iraq & UN [DSL/Cable] [dial-up] [audio] [transcript]

--12/01/03  World AIDS Day 2003 [DSL/Cable] [Dial-Up] [Audio] [transcript]
--05/27/03  HIV/AIDS Bill Signing with Secretary Powell and President Bush [DSL/Cable] [dial-up] [audio]
--12/03/02  World AIDS Day 2002 [DSL/Cable] or connect to dial-up video, audio, or text version  

Human Resources
--09/28/04  2004 Service to America Award Winner - Ambassador Prudence Bushnell [DSL/Cable] [dial-up]  [audio] [transcript]

Information Technology
--11/15/02  Secretary Powell E-Government Remarks [DSL/cable] [dial-up; text]

Intelligence Reform
--09/13/04  Secretary Powell on Importance of Real-Time Intelligence [DSL/Cable] [dial-up] [audio] [transcript]

International Child Abductions
--10/01/02  International Child Abductions (dsl) [video for dial-up or audio only file or text only]

International Religious Freedom
--10/07/02  Release of the 2002 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC [audio; DSL/cable; dial-up modem]

International Terrorism
--04/30/03  Release of the 2002 "Patterns of Global Terrorism" Annual Report- [DSL/Cable] [dial-up] [audio] [transcript of Secretary Powell] [transcript of Ambassador Black]
--10/29/02  Press Availability With Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, Australian Defense Minister Robert Hill, and Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld [DSL/Cable]  or connect to dial-up video, audio, or text version 
--10/15/02  Secretary Powell and British Foreign Minister Jack Straw [DSL/Cable] or connect to dial-up video, audio, or text version  

Islamic Life in America
--11/04/04  Sixth Annual State Department Iftar Dinner video: high speed connectionvideo: dial-up speed connectionaudio
--12/18/02  Public Diplomacy After September 11: Interview With Iraqi Exile [DSL/Cable] [dial-up] [audio]
--12/18/02  Public Diplomacy After September 11: Pakistan TV Co-Op Video [dsl] [dial-up] [audio-only] [text-only]
--12/18/02  Public Diplomacy After September 11: Shared Values Collage [DSL/cable] [dial-up] [audio] [transcript]
--11/07/02  President at Iftaar Dinner [DSL/Cable] or connect to dial-up video, audio, or text version  

Middle East/Near East
Middle East Peace

Public Service Announcements
--12/23/02  Civilian Police [DSL/Cable] [dial-up video or text version] For more information: 

Secretary Powell's Radio Interviews (audio only)
--10/28/04  Secretary Powell on the Bill Bennet Radio Show [transcript]
--08/11/04  Secretary Powell on the Mike Gallagher Show [transcript]
--07/21/04  Secretary Powell on Sean Hannity Show [transcript]
--07/21/04  Secretary Powell on the Neal Boortz Show [transcript]
--07/15/04  Secretary Powell on the Lars Larson Show of Westwood One Radio Network [transcript]
--06/23/04  Secretary Powell on The Glenn Beck Show [transcript]
--06/18/04  Secretary Powell on The Michael Reagan Show  [transcript]
--06/17/04  Secretary Powell on the Michael Medved Show [transcript]

September 11, 2001: Condolences and Remembrances
--09/11/02  Department of State Commemoration of September 11; Richard L. Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State; Harry S Truman Building; Washington, DC [DSL/cable]  or connect to dial-up modem or audio versions
--08/14/02  Condolences From Around the World [DSL/cable] or connect to dial-up modem or text versions
--08/14/02  Log Sheet of B-Roll of Sites on 9/11 and Afterward

South Asia

--08/10/04  Secretary Powell Addresses Seeds of Peace [DSL/Cable] [dial-up] [audio] [transcript]
--11/13/03  Script of Remarks by Under Secretary for Political Affairs Marc Grossman on Global Learn Day [DSL/Cable] [audio]  [dial-up]

Trafficking in Persons Issues and Reports
--06/15/04  Secretary Powell and Director Miller on 2004 Trafficking in Persons Report [DSL/Cable] [dial-up modem; audio; text]
--06/05/02  Secretary Powell and Ambassador Ely-Raphel on Trafficking in Persons Report (full briefing) [DSL cable] or connect to dial-up modem or text versions

--06/05/02  Special Briefing: Secretary Powell on Release of Trafficking in Persons Report [DSL Cable] or connect to  dial-up modemaudio, or text  versions

--09/14/04  Visa Video with Secretary Powell Introduction - [DSL/Cable] [dial-up]  [audio] [transcript]

Women's Issues
--03/08/04  International Womens Day [DSL/Cable] [dial-up] [audio] [transcript]
--02/14/04  Partners in Participation Conference

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