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Secretary of State Colin L. Powell
What the Secretary Has Been Saying
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What the Secretary Has Been Saying

Secretary Powell very strongly believes that he has a responsibility "to talk to the American people about what we are doing in their name, what President Bush is doing with his foreign policy.  And the way to do that is not just with us giving speeches, but to communicate through the media."  Through this web page, the Bureau of Public Affairs will communicate with Americans and the media to release all speeches, testimony, briefings, statements, and other remarks from the Secretary of State as soon as they are available.  (Also see daily press briefings by the Department Spokesman and other releases from the Press Relations Office.)

Middle East Peace Process
(Nov. 22):
"I sense a new attitude. I sense an understanding that an opportunity has presented itself and if both sides work together to make sure that the Palestinians have a successful election on the 9th of January, and to that election bestow the legitimacy of the electorate on a new president, then we have some opportunities to move even more aggressively in the months after that toward the disengagement from Gaza." [full text]

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meetings
(Nov. 17):
"[T]he President's principal focus will be getting APEC to become more energized in supporting the Doha development agenda, so that we can start to move aggressively in all the groups that are working on World Trade Organization issues. That'll be number one." [full text] [travel page]

Secretary Powell: On-The-Record Briefing Secretary Powell Resigns
(Nov. 15):
"It has been my great honor and privilege to have been once again given the opportunity to serve my nation, and I will always treasure the four years that I have spent with President Bush and with the wonderful men and women of the Department of State." [full text]

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