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Soft Contact Lenses
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Contacts Glossary
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Inserting Lenses
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What is Astigmatism?

Disposable contact lenses from Acuvue, Ciba Vision and others are becoming the norm

If you already wear contact lenses, you have probably settled on a particular type and brand that suits you. If you are like the vast majority of contact lens wearers, you have settled on soft, disposable contact lenses. Acuvue contacts or those from Cooper Vision, CIBA Vision, and others are among some of the most commonly used soft lenses, and they will satisfy the majority of users. In fact, unless your vision requires an unusual amount of correction or you have a particular eye condition, there is no reason to consider any other type.

Disposable contact lenses, such as Acuvue contacts, are incredibly convenient. Unlike glasses or rigid contact lenses, there is no problem of loss or breakage. Just put in your lenses in the morning, and forget about them until you go to bed. Of course, it can be inconvenient to lose a contact lens, but it is hardly the problem or financial burden that breaking or loosing a pair of expensive glasses can be. If you lose a disposable contact, just make a trip to the medicine cabinet, pop in a new lens, and you are back in business.

Types of Disposables

There are a number of different categories of disposable contacts. Manufacturers recommend a length of time that their particular lenses should be worn, and this period can range from a single day all the way up to a month or two. Ideally, you shouldn't wear a pair of contact lenses for longer than recommended, since this could lead to eye problems ( note that Acuvue contacts and other brands list recommended usage on the box).  However, with that caveat out of the way, many people stretch the life of each pair of contact lenses, making disposables even more affordable.


Daily disposables are one of the most popular types of disposable lenses. Unlike monthly or weekly lenses, it is not as important to be rigorous about cleaning your daily lenses. Even in the space of a week, contacts are subject to dirt and protein buildup, which can lead to eye irritation if not regularly cleaned. Since daily lenses are never worn for more than a day or two, cleaning is not a tremendous concern. If your lenses become dirty, simply throw them away and put in a fresh pair.

For the majority of eye problems, soft, disposable contacts are ideal. Whether you suffer from near or far-sightedness or an astigmatism in one or both eyes, disposable contacts will work well for you. If your eyesight requires considerable correction, your doctor may recommend a different type of contact, either rigid or semi-rigid. These lenses require regular cleaning, and protein buildup can become an acute problem. If at all possible, you should choose disposable contacts over any other type.

Additional Benefits

Another great thing about disposable contacts is their ready availability. Once you have your prescription, it is a simple matter to order replacement contacts from online retailers, and have them delivered directly to your door. Of course, you should still schedule regular check-ups with your doctor, but you won't have to make a special trip simply for a fresh supply of contact lenses.

Go Shopping

Coastal Contacts - Lowest prices on contact lenses guaranteed. - CoastalContacts is committed to creating the absolute best shopping experience possible.  They combine free shipping, a low price guarantee and an express refill service to create a truly smooth and satisfactory experience.  They are also always having some sort of special (ie - win a free trip).

1-800 CONTACTS - FREE SHIPPING, save up to 70% - Safe, easy, reliable shopping.  1 800 CONTACTS has the world's largest inventory.  They also combine all of their specials into one area in their website, which makes it easy to see all of the sales on the site.

Vision Direct - Another great contact lens retailer.  In addition to huge savings and a huge selection, they offer the BillMeLater service.  This means you don't have to pay for your lenses upon purchase if you don't want to.  You can elect to be billed at a later date.  Nice feature.