|  |  |  | Wednesday, December 1, 2004 |
| Ukraine Elections Department Spokesman Richard Boucher (Nov. 30): "...the United States is trying to work with the parties in Ukraine, trying to work with the Europeans as they make their efforts, and we're making our own efforts to work with people on the ground to try to encourage a peaceful outcome that respects the legal and political process underway in Ukraine and that...reflect the will of the Ukrainian people, unlike the flawed election that was held." [full text]
Secretary Powell (Nov. 29): "We're very pleased that there's been no real violence . . . if we can keep things calm and allow the leaders and politicians and members of the international community who are trying to help the Ukrainians all come together, then hopefully a peaceful solution will be found." [full text]
Middle East Peace Process Secretary Powell (Nov. 22): "I sense a new attitude. I sense an understanding that an opportunity has presented itself and if both sides work together to make sure that the Palestinians have a successful election on the 9th of January, and to that election bestow the legitimacy of the electorate on a new president, then we have some opportunities to move even more aggressively in the months after that toward the disengagement from Gaza." [full text]
Muslim Schoolchildren Benefit From Community Involvement These are two of the many Muslim schoolchildren benefiting from active community involvement, led by the Imam Shokirjon Valiev, in USAID-funded basic education projects in Ferghana Valley.
|  |  |  |  | The U.S.- Afghan Women’s Council (USAWC) promotes public-private partnerships between U.S. and Afghan institutions and mobilizes private sector resources to help Afghan women.
U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Danforth reports on the situation in Sudan following meetings of the Security Council in Nairobi, Kenya.
Deputy Secretary Armitage talks about managing risks and threats in challenging environments at annual briefing of the Overseas Security Advisory Council.
|  | The Kingdom of Morocco will host the first "Forum for the Future" on December 11, 2004, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in Rabat.
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