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Bureau of Public Affairs
Press Relations Office
Daily Press Briefings
 - 2004
 - 2003
 - 2002
 - 2001

Daily Press Briefings

The State Department Spokesman, or the alternate, generally briefs the State Department press corps ON THE RECORD, ON CAMERA each workday afternoon in the Carl T. Rowan Press Briefing Room, room 2209 in the Harry S. Truman building of the U.S. Department of State.

A mult-box is available.  While most video camera positions on the risers are assigned, two unassigned positions are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. TV lighting is available. The official transcript of the briefing will be posted on the Department's website later that day. Reporters who wish to attend can confirm that a briefing will be held and at what time through the Daily Appointment Schedule.

Daily Press Briefing - Visitors Individuals or small groups with a professional or academic interest may attend the daily press briefing as guests. Seating is limited to 12 visitors, and reservations must be made in advance with the Press Office. Contact for visitors: (202)647-2496.

Special Press Briefings will be announced in the Daily Appointment Schedule.  Camera set-up times and final access time for press will be included, as will pick-up times for events that require an escort to and from the site.  Transcripts of on-the-record briefings are released on the day of the briefing.

Note that daily press briefings generally are not scheduled for Federal holidays. In 2004 these are: January 1, 19; February 16; May 31; July 5; September 6; October 11; November 11, 25; and December 24, 31.

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