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Under Secretary for Management
Bureau of Resource Management
International Affairs Budget
Planning and Performance
Section 579 Implementation (Taxation of U.S. Foreign Assistance)

Bureau of Resource Management

Christopher B. Burnham is Assistant Secretary of Resource Management and Chief Financial Officer.

The Bureau of Resource Management (RM) assists foreign affairs agency heads with developing policies, plans, and programs to achieve foreign policy goals. The Assistant Secretary for RM and CFO also coordinates resource requirements to enable the Secretary of State to present integrated International Affairs resource submissions to the Office of Management and Budget and to the Congress.


Iraq Report
Section 2207 report to Congress on relief and reconstruction.

FY 2005 Budget Material
--Function 150 Summary and Highlights.
--Congressional Budget Justification.
--Budget in Brief.
--Fact sheet.
--Secretary's testimony: April 8March 25March 10March 3Feb. 26Feb. 12, Feb. 11.
--Deputy Secretary's testimony: March 10.

Department of State and USAID Strategic Plan
The FY 2004-2009 plan is now available.

Performance Summary (The Plan)
The FY 2005 Summary is now available.

Performance and Accountability Report
--Read about the awards the Department won for its FY 2002 report.
--The FY 2003 report combines detailed information on the Department's audited financial statements and performance results achieved.

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