DASHGUARD allows for ordering over our Web site as well as payment via traditional methods. In either case, continue on to the dash guard, car duster or sun shade details page and follow the instructions listed on that page.
At that point, you will be able to complete your transaction online or print that page and mail us the appropriate information, along with your payment, and we will process your order upon receipt.
If you have a car, truck or van, you need a dash cover by DASHGUARD to protect your investment.
A DASHGUARD protects the dash from fading and cracking caused by UV rays. It also can be used to cover up a damaged dash on older vehicles, therefore adding to the vehicle's overall value and beauty.
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Eclipse Sun Shade is the only sun shade in the world that is self-retracting!
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Eclipse Sun Shade has metalized fabric to reflect solar rays.
Custom Sun Shades are sized for full windshield coverage.
A beveled cut at bottom provides the best fit over the dash.
Sun Shade Pulls from each side for perfect fit around the rearview mirror
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Don't just move dust...Remove it!
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