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December 3, 2004
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Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
  Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) commonly causes infection in childhood. RSV is highly infectious and almost all babies get it before the age of 2. Many babies (and most older children) get only a slight cold from RSV.

However, some babies with RSV develop potentially serious lower respiratory infections such as bronchiolitis (infection of the small breathing tubes in the lungs, also known as “chest cold”) and pneumonia (lung infection). These infections are especially dangerous in babies who were born prematurely, have lung or heart problems or certain other chronic illnesses. Your baby can get RSV at any time of year, but it is most common from fall to spring.

Symptoms of RSV usually last between 7 and 14 days. Most babies with RSV do not become seriously ill. However, a small number of babies do become very sick, and may need to be treated in the hospital with oxygen and, in some cases, with antiviral drugs.

Call your baby's doctor right away if your baby:

  • Develops fast breathing or breathing problems, wheezing (a whistling sound when exhaling), worsening cough, or looks blue around the mouth
  • Has a cold and is at high risk for RSV
  • Develops any fever (more than 100.4° F) in the first three months of life, a temperature of 101° F or greater between three and six months, or 103° F after six months of age

If your baby has RSV, make sure he or she gets extra rest and drinks lots of clear fluids. You also can use a rubber suction bulb to help clear mucus from your baby’s nose, especially before feedings.

If your baby was born prematurely (too early) or has lung or heart disease, talk to your pediatrician about ways to help prevent RSV. Your baby may benefit from medication that helps prevent RSV infection in high-risk children. This medication is called palivizumab (the brand name is Synagis). It is given in monthly injections during the fall and winter months. The March of Dimes supports the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for using this medication.

You can help protect your baby from RSV by:

  • Keeping him away from people who are sneezing or coughing
  • Making sure everyone who touches the baby has clean hands
  • Keeping your baby away from crowds of people
  • Not allowing anyone to smoke near your baby

For additional information, visit the RSV protection Web site.

Note: The March of Dimes does not endorse specific brands or products.

Caring for Your Baby
  First Check Up  
  Newborn Screening Tests  
  The NICU Experience
  Childhood Illnesses  
    - Colds  
    - Croup  
    - Ear Infection  
    - Fever-Related Seizures  
    - Flu and Your Baby  
    - Newborn Jaundice  
    - Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)  
    - Roseola  
    - Rotavirus (Diarrhea)  
    - Thrush  
  When to Call the Doctor  
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