The Wayback Machine -
November 8, 2004
This month's HOT topics:
Accept web payments with PayPal for FREE – PayPal helps you accept online payments with zero setup or monthly fees. Plus, if you sign up now, you'll get 2 months of free transactions. PayPal makes online payments easy, fast and affordable for your business. Visit today.

Headline News Service Launched!

Well folks, we've launched a new service that we know you will love! Your guests will enjoy returning to your website now that they can access the latest news stories right from your site.

Get instant, quality content for your website

There are many news topics to choose from.

Newsletter Headlines
  • Top News
  • Business
  • Entertainment
  • Quirks
  • Science
  • Sports

Clicking on a headline will display the full news article as well as links to other breaking news.

This great service updates on a regular basis so you're sure to get the latest breaking news on your chosen topic.

Having this service on your website will encourage your users to return again and again.

Get your FREE Headline News Service Now! »

Password Gate Improvements

Many of our password gate users have requested a way for their website visitors to request a password. Well, you asked and we answered!

The Password Gate service now has a feature that, upon a failed login, allows your site visitors to request a password from you. All they have to do is provide their name, email address, their desired username, and say where on your site they would like access to.

request a pasword

Once they have completed and sent the request form, you will receive an email to the address you have filled out for your Bravenet Member Account.

If you want to grant them a username and password, all you have to do is log into your Password Gate Service Manager and fill out the Add New User Account form on the Manage User Accounts page.

Once you have created their account, you can use the email address that they have provided to let them know that they have been granted a password.

If you don't want to grant them access, simply disregard the request, or send them an email explaining why you won't allow them entrance.

Learn More About the Password Gate Service Now »

False Counter Display

Keep your visitor and hit count your own business!

We've added a new feature to your counter service! Now you can have a counter display that shows a random number, rather than your actual count. Don’t worry – your website's traffic statistics will remain accurate while your counter displays a false number!

To activate this feature for your counter, log into your Bravenet Member Account and follow these directions:

  1. Click on Counter Stats to get into your Counter Stats Service Manager,
  2. Click on Create/Manage Counters,
  3. Click on "Settings" for the counter whose display you wish to use this feature with,
  4. Select "Display a random value for my counter" underneath the False Counter Display heading,
  5. Finally, click on Save Settings and you’re done!

Thank you to our members who used our service feedback form to request this feature. You guys asked for it and now you have it!

Register a FREE Counter Stats Service! »

  • • Colorful Statistics
  • • Hundreds of Images
  • • Hit or Visit Counters
  • • Up to 25 Counters!
  • • Track your Referrers
  • • Tons of Statistics
  • • Up to 12 Months of Stats
  • • Easy to Use Service

Click here to view the Counter Stats demo »

Message From Dave


Hey folks! Thanks to our outstanding services and your dedication, we are now 6 million members strong and we're still growing!

We have added a new downloads section to our Webmaster Resource Center. Check it out!

All the best, Dave



Congratulations to this month's Affiliate Award winner:
Christopher Heng of Singapore, SG (
To claim your award, please contact Bravenet Support.

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Bravenet Web Services, Inc., 100 East Jensen Avenue, Parksville, BC, Canada V9P 2H5