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December 4, 2004

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  Start a Business ... Create a Future  


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[Cars Honking]

[Music] [Hatim Mustafa: Coal Distributor]

[Music] [Muna Hamdan: Pickle Maker]

[Music] [Ibtisam Zu’bi: Hairstylist]

[Music] [Hayat Yasin: Retail Store Owner]

Hayat Yasin: It was 1990, the year of Gulf War Crisis. Living conditions were miserable back then.

Muna Hamdan: Life was unbearable. We lived in extreme poverty. I mean we barely survived… barely survived.

Hatim Mustafa: At the beginning it was very difficult. I couldn’t afford to start my own business.

Ibtisam Zu’bi: I couldn’t apply for a bank loan. Banks are very demanding. They ask for collaterals, guarantors … etc.

Hayat Yasin: and my husband’s income was insufficient so I had to do something to make the situation better.

Hatim Mustafa: Applying for a loan became a necessity. I wanted to become independent, start a business. I approached the Jordan Microcridet Company. It provides loans for small businesses.

Muna Hamdan: I called a credit officer there. A few days later he called me and said: “Um Mohammad, we approved your loan! “We will process it for you soon.”

Hayat Yasin: I met credit officer Lina Dabbas. She introduced me to microfinance. Then I applied at the Ahli Microfinancing Co.

Ibtisam Zu’bi: I opened a saloon in Sweileh, “Hanyah Saloon.”

Hayat Yasin: I started to sell carpets.

Muna Hamdan: a new horizon opened for me.

Hatim Mustafa: Things went smooth. I was committed, repaid my first loan on time.

Muna Hamdan: Loan processing was easy, it didn’t take more than a week. I didn’t face any problems.

Hayat Yasin: I applied for more, kept repaying on schedule.

Hatim Mustafa: I applied for another loan. I got a larger amount of money. It helped me develop my business further.

Hayat Yasin: My repayment was timely. So I was able to apply for larger loans.

Muna Hamdan: And I decided to buy a house.

Hatim Mustafa: Thank God. Work is OK! I always repay my loans on time.

Muna Hamdan: I kept on saving money in my bank account. I was able to buy a house…. thank God!

Ibtisam Zu’bi: I remember the first bride I worked on. I couldn’t sleep the night before, I panicked! I wanted everything to be just perfect! Her hairdo ended up just fine after all!

Hayat Yasin: I had this fear of not being accepted by society… by the people in the business. But I realized that women can succeed. They can make it.

Muna Hamdan: my advice to unemployed men out there: “Buy a van, start your own business.” That’s the least you can do!

Hatim Mustafa: Even if you can’t afford it, there are people out there who can help. Where there is a will there is a way.

Hayat Yasin: My advice to all women out there: “Don’t give up! Don’t surrender! Overcome your difficulties!”

Ibtisam Zu’bi: My ambition… well, I want to open a beauty center!

Hayat Yasin: My ambition is to educate my children, teach them how to become successful.

Hatim Mustafa: With enough determination anything is possible. It is all about willpower.

Hayat Yasin: You can make something out of nothing!


[Music] [Yusra Abdel Hadi: Candy Maker]

[Music] [Nariman Abu Hamdan: Boutique Owner]

[Music] [Raeda Akawi: Grocery Store Owner]

Raeda Akawi: I am Raeda Akawi from Irbid

[Yusra Abdel Hadi] Um Nidal

Nariman Husni Hussein Abu Hamdan.

Raeda Akawi: Microfund For Women helped us considerably. It provided us with group loans. We were able to start our own businesses.

Yusra Abdel Hadi: I started selling candy apples.

Nariman Abu Hamdan: I used the money to open a boutique.

Raeda Akawi: We used to take loans from each other, through women’s associations. Until I met some loan promoters, they introduced us to microfinance.

Yusra Abdel Hadi: We all live in one neighborhood. We’re always there for each other, supporting each other.

Nariman Abu Hamdan: Everything was facilitated. Our group members guarantee each other. There’s no need for collateral or bank accounts.

Raeda Akawi: We started with small loans. Our businesses flourished gradually.

Yusra Abdel Hadi: We were able to apply for larger loans later.

Nariman Abu Hamdan: We were encouraged to apply for more loans. They helped us develop our businesses.

Raeda Akawi: I used to market my husband’s goods in the past. I thought: Why not start my own business? Why not generate my own income?

Yusra Abdel Hadi: My kids used to sell candy apples outside, then I decided to sell my own from home. I work during mornings and afternoons. I make between 100-300 candy apples a day.

Nariman Abu Hamdan: Curtains are seasonal products; they’re most popular during wedding seasons. Some like to change them on an annual basis.

Raeda Akawi: My ambition is to open another grocery store in a more prestigious area, God willing.

Nariman Abu Hamdan: I am planning to open a cosmetics shop.

Yusra Abdel Hadi: Women should work and be productive.

Nariman Abu Hamdan: I am more independent now. I have developed my skills and capabilities. I am contributing to my husband’s income.

Raeda Akawi: Many women are wasting their time, doing nothing at home. Why not start a business, be independent?

Nariman Abu Hamdan: Start a Business …. Create a Future.

Raeda Akawi: Start a Business …. Create a Future.

Yusra Abdel Hadi: Start a Business …. Create a Future.

Muna Hamdan: Start a Business …. Create a Future.

Ibtisam Zu’bi: Start a Business …. Create a Future.

Hayat Yasin: Start a Business …. Create a Future.

Hatim Mustafa: Start a business …. Create a future. Peace Be Upon You.


Start a Business…Create a Future


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Umm Ar - Rasas. Church of Saint StephenSearch
    Last updated on: August 30, 2004  
Mount Nebo - Siyagha. Memorial of Moses

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