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The President of the United States has recently announced a number of development-related initiatives for sustainable development worldwide--all being implemented in part or whole by USAID.

Afghanistan Road
Africa Education Initiative
Anti-Trafficking in Persons Initiative Initiative
Centers for Excellence in Teacher Training
Central America Free Trade Agreement
Clean Energy Initiative
Congo Basin Forest Partnership
Digital Freedom Initiative
Faith-based and Community Initiatives
Global Climate Change
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
Initiative Against Illegal Logging
Initiative to End Hunger in Africa
Middle East Partnership Initiative
Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative
President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Trade for African Development and Enterprise
Volunteers for Prosperity
Water for the Poor Initiative

photo of a road in AfghanistanAfghanistan Road
The 600-mile journey from Kabul to Herat is an arduous trip that currently takes several days because much of the road surface and several bridges have been destroyed. Rebuilding the transportation infrastructure enables the movement of people, aid resources, farm and trade goods, all essential to Afghanistan's development. Read more...
photo of the country of AfricaAfrica Education Initiative
Increases access to quality basic educational opportunities in Africa, especially at the primary school level by providing teacher training, textbooks and other learning materials, support for community involvement, and scholarships to girls and other vulnerable children. Particular attention will be paid to addressing the impact of HIV/AIDS. Read more...
photo of a woman who participated in workshops provided by the Kahn FoundationAnti-Trafficking in Persons Initiative
Every year 600,000 to 800,000 victims, primarily women and children, are trafficked across borders especially for the purpose of sexual exploitation. According to UNICEF, two million children are sexually exploited and enslaved in the child sex trade at any one time. The President described this situation as a humanitarian crisis and a “special evil in the abuse and exploitation of the most innocent and vulnerable.” This initiative is still in the development stage. More information will be available at the end of 2004.
photo of a teacher at a chalkboardCenters for Excellence in Teacher Training
Located in Latin America & the Caribbean, these three regional centers will improve the quality of early instruction in the classroom throughout the hemisphere, with special emphasis on poorer countries and disadvantaged communities. It is expected that about 15,000 teachers will benefit over four years. Read more...
photo of a cargo shipCentral America Free Trade Agreement
Improves the ability of Central American countries to compete in the modern global economy. Over 50 projects help to achieve this goal, including funds for computers and travel, projects to help increase citizen input to trade negotiations, assistance to strengthen science-based food safety inspection systems, and programs to promote cleaner production.Read more...
photo collage of energy sourcesClean Energy Initiative
This initiative will increase access to modern and affordable energy services in underserved areas; improve the productivity, efficiency, and reliability of current operating systems, delaying the need for new generating capacity; and, promote cleaner transportation fuels and indoor cooking and heating practices to reduce the estimated 3 million associated deaths. Read more...
photo of a forestCongo Basin Forest Partnership
Promotes economic development, poverty alleviation, improved governance, and natural resource conservation. Support will be provided to a network of national parks and protected areas, and well-managed forestry concessions. Assistance will also be provided to communities who depend upon the conservation of the outstanding forest and wildlife resources in Central Africa. Read more...
icon of a computerDigital Freedom Initiative
An alliance through which the government and leading U.S. companies will work together to promote economic growth for entrepreneurs and small businesses in developing countries through emerging information and communications technologies. It is being piloted in Senegal, and, if successful, could be rolled out to 20 countries in the next five years. Read more...
photo of a candle flameFaith-based and Community Initiatives
This initiative will to empower community and faith-based organizations to better confront poverty and social decay. USAID is currently conducting a review and issuing a report on existing faith-based and community efforts in our programs. Read more...
photo of the earthGlobal Climate Change
"Addressing global climate change will require a sustained effort, over many generations. My approach recognizes that sustained economic growth is the solution, not the problem - because a nation that grows its economy is a nation that can afford investments in efficiency, new technologies, and a cleaner environment." - President George W. Bush, February 14, 2002. Read more...
closeup photo of a tuberculosis cellsGlobal Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
The Global Fund was established to dramatically increase available resources to fight three of the world's most devastating diseases and to rapidly direct those resources to effective prevention, care, and treatment programs in the areas most urgently in need of assistance. Read more...
photo of gorilla in a forest in RwandaInitiative Against Illegal Logging
Illegal logging destroys forest ecosystems, robs governments and communities of needed revenues, finances regional conflict and acts as a disincentive to sustainable forest management. The President's Initiative Against Illegal Logging is the most comprehensive strategy yet undertaken by any nation to address this critical sustainable development challenge. Read more...
photo of a person mixing grainsInitiative to End Hunger in Africa
The Initiative to End Hunger in Africa (IEHA) is a multi-year effort designed to help fulfill the Millennium Development Goal of reducing the number of hungry people in Africa in half by 2015. The initiative focuses on promoting agricultural growth and building an African-led partnership to cut hunger and poverty by investing in a smallholder-oriented agricultural growth strategy. Read more...
Woman sitting at a table in Cairo, Egypt.  May 2003.The Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)
Supports economic, political, and educational reform efforts in the Middle East and champions opportunity for all people of the region, especially women and youth. The initiative strives to link Arab, U.S., and global private sector businesses, non-governmental organizations, civil society elements, and governments together to develop innovative policies and programs to achieve this mission. MEPI is managed by the State Department in close collaboration with other U.S. government agencies. Read more...
photo of a mother and her childMother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative
Seeks to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS from mothers to infants and to improve health care delivery in Africa and the Caribbean. Through a combination of improving care and drug treatment, this new effort is expected to reach up to one million women annually and reduce mother to child transmission by forty percent within five years or less. This initiative was rolled into the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in FY04. Read more...
icon of a red ribbonPresident's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Will enhance the commitment of the U.S. in preventing the global spread of AIDS through development and delivery of more effective treatments to those who are already infected or threatened with infection. When added to the existing programs, the total U.S. commitment to this global effort will reach $15 billion over five years. Read more...
photo of the SuperMoneyMaker PumpTrade for African Development and Enterprise
This initiative will promote regional integration and regional cooperation by strengthening the ability of African countries and businesses to develop their export trade. Regional Hubs for Global Competitiveness will be located at USAID's three regional missions in Ghana, Kenya, and Botswana. Read more...
icon of a handshakeVolunteers for Prosperity
Helps Americans trained in professional specialties to support new and existing U.S. government initiatives for flexible periods of time, and deliver skilled volunteers to developing countries and emerging economies to promote growth and prosperity around the world in a cost-efficient and safe manner. Read more...
photo of a body of waterWater for the Poor Initiative
Will improve sustainable management of water resources and accelerate international efforts to cut in half by 2015 the proportion of people who are unable to reach or to afford safe drinking water. The U.S. will work with partners to improve access to clean water and sanitation services, improve watershed management, and increase the productivity of water. Read more...

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