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Talk121 is easy to use. Whether you are new or experienced with chatline services, our easy to use voice prompts guide you through each feature our dating service has to offer, step by step. And you can feel confident in knowing our live 24-hour support line 1-877-FREE-121 (1-877-373-3121) is always available to help you with any chatline questions or problems you may have. We want you to enjoy each and every minute on Talk121.


Chatline & Dating Tips

Here are some valuable tips and hints to get you started, they will help you get the most out of your Talk121 phone dating experience.
  • Specials
    Be sure to take advantage of our member specials to maximize the value of
    your membership. We always offer specials to our members, so use them to
    talk more, and meet more people!
  • Speak Clearly
    When creating your personal message for others to hear, be sure to use a
    clear, relaxed voice. Prepare what you will say prior to starting the
    message by writing it down and or rehearsing it a number of times. Messages
    that ramble or have many mistakes may not be as successful as well thought
    out messages.
  • Message Retakes
    Our system lets you review and re-record your message at any time, to get it
    just right. If you want to make a new one, or revise the details of your old
    one, its easy!
  • Be Creative
    Have fun with your personal message, be genuine but give your message
    something that stands out and is memorable. It's your chance to let people
    know about who you are!
  • Your Privacy
    Your personal information is kept in the strictest of confidence. The only
    information available to other Talk121 members is the information you
    provide them. In your personal message, be sure to include your box number,
    not a phone number.
  • Consider Others
    A warm and friendly attitude and personality is highly rewarding. Treat
    others as you yourself would like to be treated.


Online Chat Tips

Here are some valuable tips to make your online chatting experience at Talk121 an enjoyable way to meet new people.
  • Ask Moderators For Help
    If you ever require assistance with using Talk121, there are usually online moderators available to assist you with any questions you may have.
  • Type In Lower Case
    Type your messages in lower case, uppercase indicates to others that you are yelling or emphasizing a point.
  • State User Names
    When addressing individuals in a crowded chatroom, be sure to state the users name at the beginning of the message.
  • Understanding ASL
    When asked for your ASL, it means the other user wishes to know your age, sex and the location of where you live.
  • Private Messaging
    If you wish to talk privately, one to one with a particular user, double click on their name in the user list or highlight their name and click the Private Message icon.
  • Private Rooms
    If there is a group of people you wish to talk with privately, select the rooms tab, and create a new password protected room of your own!
  • Your Privacy
    Never disclose personal information such as bank accounts details or home address.
  • Do Not Flood
    Users who flood the chat room (repetitively typing text into the chat room), will be removed immediately from the room.
  • Foul Language
    We ask that users keep swearing to a minimum and to be considerate of other users while in the main chat room.

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