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What is Daypop?

Daypop is a current events search engine. Daypop crawls the living web at least once a day to bring you the latest information relevant to your searches.

The living web is composed of sites that update on a daily basis: newspapers, online magazines, and weblogs. Weblogs are a new form of personal journalism. Think of them as opinion columns or slices of life. Newspapers give you the international headlines and weblogs give you both a subjective view of current events and a personal view of the author's life.

Currently, Daypop indexes over 59000 of the best news sites and weblogs on the net every day. If you know of a site that should be included in the Daypop index, feel free to submit it.

Use Daypop to search for the latest news, the newest movie reviews, sports results or the hottest memes.

Daypop Technology

What does Daypop do? What does the Top 40 signify? What are Word Bursts? Here are more detailed explanations to all your questions.

Daypop in the Press

Daypop's been mentioned in the press frequently and these are the best of those articles.

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Headline Search content courtesy of NewsIsFree and Blogstreet

Daypop stands on the shoulders of giants

FreeBSD - the best server OS out there
Apache - extensible, customizable web server
MySQL - very fast access to database records
Perl - the Swiss Army Knife of programming languages

Daypop: Searching the Living Web...

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