|  |  |  | Saturday, December 4, 2004 |
| Ukraine Elections State Department Spokesman Richard Boucher (Dec. 3): "We welcome the decision by the Supreme Court annulling the results of the November 21 vote due to evidence of widespread irregularities and fraud . . . What is important now is to move ahead quickly, as called for by the supreme court, to ensure a new vote that is fair, free and that results in an outcome that reflects the will of the Ukrainian people." [full text]
Bosnia and Herzegovina: NATO-led Mission Ends Secretary Powell (Dec. 2): "Today, the mission of the NATO-led Stabilization Force (SFOR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina came to a successful conclusion. For nine years the men and women of SFOR and their predecessors in the Implementation Force (IFOR) provided a safe and secure environment for implementation of the Dayton Accords. The United States and NATO are not leaving Bosnia . . . The United States remains committed to the security and stability of Bosnia and Herzegovina through a significant contribution to the [new] NATO headquarters and a continued presence at Camp Eagle in Tuzla." [full text]
Muslim Schoolchildren Benefit From Community Involvement These are two of the many Muslim schoolchildren benefiting from active community involvement, led by the Imam Shokirjon Valiev, in USAID-funded basic education projects in Ferghana Valley, Uzbekistan.
|  |  |  |  | A new Fact Sheet summarizes U.S. efforts to combat gender-based violence in countries around the world.
Assistant Secretary Bloomfield explains the importance of U.S.-Japan Critical Infrastructure protection cooperation, and Policy Planning Staff Director Reiss describes the U.S.-Japan common vision.
Under Secretary Dobriansky talks about U.S. efforts at federal and state levels to fight trafficking in persons and assisting victims of this modern-day form of slavery.
|  | The Kingdom of Morocco will host the first "Forum for the Future" on December 11, 2004, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in Rabat.
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